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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/210

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122 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 716. 1904. sml’,,'jBl°Y°“ °“"“°“' For the following, in lieu of employee? now auphogizgd phd paid ' from r riations for “ new s ips : or one c er o c ass twoone clgikt hldone thousand three hundred dollars; five clerks of class one; seven clerks, at one thousand one hundred dollars each; seventeen clerks, at one thousand dollars each; eight copyists; two copyists, at eight hundred and forty dollars each; two laborers, at six hundred dollars each; one messenger boy, at six hundred dollars; three messengler bplycsi at (fourlhungrpfl do lars each; in all, forty-five thousand _ two un an eig ty dollars. “*},¤g,§,•;*g§}*°“*°*“° Burman or Mmmorun AND Smzemzr: For chief clerk, two thousand dollars; one clerk of class four; one clerk of class three; one clerk of class two; one clerk of class one; one clerk, one thousand dollars; two cop ists, at eight hundred and forty dollars each: one laborer; driver forliaval Dispensary, six hundred dollars, and one laborer, four hundred and eighty dollars (for Naval Dispensary); in all, twelve thousand four hundred and twentiy dollars. _ ,h,E,,’;{Rl°’°”°“ "“°" For the following, in 1eu of employees now authorized and paid from Ep-péorptiiiatiolps for ;newslhips": ger twpl clerkls, all; orlqeemousand one ‘ dolrseac·in ltwo thousand two unre olars. ,,°‘Q‘{$‘“°‘Y"“‘““ Bumxao or Yamusinm Dboxs: For chief clerk, two thousand dol- - lars· draftsman and clerz one thousand eight hundred dollars; one clerk of class three; two erks of class two; one clerk of class one; one assistant messenger; and one laborer; in all, ten thousand seven hundred and eighty ollars. ,,,;**,${§{’gf$°°°°"P“‘* For the following in lieu cif employee} now aulihopized andtpaid" _ from appropriations for ‘pub ic works : or one c er at one I ou- ·

  • sand one hundred dollars; live clerks, at one thousand’dollars each;

thrae mesgenger boys, at six hundred dollars each; in all, seven thouf X san nine undred ollars. mmm ’°"i°°’· The gaervices of skilled draftsmendand such other technacéal serivices as the cretary of the Na may eem necessary may employed ‘ in the Bureau of Yards arid, Docks to carry into effect the various appropriations for "public works " to be paid from such applroipriamsu_ tions: ltovidcg, 'ghat thei gixpenldlitpres on this aclppunttior thedgcal ear nineteen un red an ve s not e t `rty thousand olhrs; a statement of the persons employed hereunder and the compensation `d to each shall be made to Congress each ear in the annual estimatrezl y °°““‘“”“*°‘*’°°”°· Conrrncmrr nxrmzsms, Navr Dmrnmmm: For the following sums which shall be so apportioned as to prevent deficiencies therein, namely: For professions and technical books and periodicals for Department _ library, two thousand dollars. ,,,$§‘2{’,,'f°"· f"""' _ For tgtationplry, furngture, netvgspgpersé pliang, dréwirigs, drawing ma ria s orses an wagons use on y oro cia urposes freiglht, expressage, postage, and other absolutely necessarypexpensesi of the Navy De rtment and its various bureaus and offices twelve thousand d I rspu i o la . {*{_§§f§_B‘“'“*”g· For the rental of Mills Building, authorized by Act of Congress Epprlpveg Jgly iiilrst, nineteen hundred and two, twenty-four thousand ve un re dollars. F"""“°"""'" For coal, gas, and electric lighting of Mills Building and electric _ current to run presses therein, five thousand dollars. B°‘”“‘“· "“" For repairs and materials required in maintenance of Mills Building,' including oil, grease, tools, pipe, wire, and other materials needed for maintenance and repair of boi ers, engines, heating apparatus, electric lighting and power plant and water-supply system, hve undred dollars.