mrrr-sienrn ooxemcss. sw. 11. cu. 716. 1904. 125 librarian for the law library of the General Land Office, to be selected by the Secretary of the Interior wholly with reference -to his s cial fitness for such work, one thousand dollars; in all, five hundrede and sixty-three thousand nine hundred and thirty dollars. For (per diem in lieu of subsistence of inspectors and of clerks ,ef§,;,,‘}§fj;· °"°·· *¤‘ details to investigate fraudulent land entries, trespasses on the pub- ` lic lands, and cases of official misconduct, while traveling on duty, at a rate to be fixed by the Secretary of the Interior, not exceeding three dollars per day, and for actual necessary expenses of transportation, including necessary sleeping-car fares, and for emplo ment of stenographers and other assistants when necessary to the eilicient conduct of examinations and when authorized by the Commissioner of the General Land Oiilce, seven thousand dollars. . For law books for the law library of the General Land Office, two L"' "°°” hundred dollars. For connected and se arate United States and other maps prepared M°P* in the General Land O&ce, nineteen thousand one hundred and sixty dollars: }%·0v1Ided, That of the United States maps procured here- Qsffgmou .under seven thousand two hundred co ies shall be delivered to the ` Senate and fourteen thousand four hundred copies shall be delivered to the House of Representatives, and the residue shall be delivered to the Secretary of the Interior for distribution. And all ma s delivered to the Senate and House of Representatives hereunder shalllbe mounted wi£_h rollers ready for usa T 4 I th G stm dTmwm or se rate `tate an erritoria ma repared in e eneral "“ Land Oliieuel, one thousand dollars. PS P mm _ b Lam: 12s: For salarie of two mi1£e inspectorls, authorized Q,',;{f°;,'f“,§f°,‘j*,‘{,_’* Y1 ¤ Q·§§!°Y_ _ ._ _ ._u._ uu I ; an nine y-one, for the éprotoedom o ves of miners m the Terntones, at two thousan dollars per annum each, four thousand dollars. For per diem, subject to such rules and regulations as the Secretary E‘P°"“°* of tue Interior may prescribe, in lieu of subsistence at a rate not exceeding three dollars per day each, while absent from their homes on duty, and for actual necessary traveling expenses of said inslpectors including necessary sleeping-car fares, three thousand three undred and fifty dollars. - INDIAN Orman: For the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, five “"“°·“ °“°°· thousand dollars; Assistant Commissioner, who shall also perform the duties of chief clerk, three thousand dollars; tinancial clerk, two thousand dollars; two chiefs of division, at two thousand dollars each; principal bookkeeper, one thousand eight hundred dollars; six clerks of class four; sixteen clerks of class three; stenographer, one thousand six hundred dollars; stenographer, one thousand four hundred dollars• eighteen clerks of class two; draftsman, one thousand six hundred dcglars; draftsman, one thousand five hundred dollars; architect, one thousand five hundred dollars; thirty-one clerks of class one; seventeen clerks, at one thousand dollars each; one clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars, and one stenografpher, and one clerk at one thousand dollars each to superintendent o Indian schools; sixteen copyists; one messenger; four assistant messengers; three laborers; messenger boy, three hundred and sixty dollars; and four charwomen; in all, one hundred and sixty-three thousand eight hundred and twenty dollars. For the following clerks now em loyed and paid from the appro- cp:pm1¤m¤ youve riation for the work under the Commission to the Five Civihzed °¥},l§§lT,§¥'§Z:,,,_ gribes, namely: Four clerks of class three; one clerk of class two; and three stenographers, at one thousand dollars each; in all, ten thousand eight hundred dollars. HENSION Ormca: For the Commissioner of Pensions, five thousand *’*¤¤*°¤ 0***- dollars; First Deputy Commissioner, three thousand six hundred dollars; Second Deputy Commissioner, three thousand six hundred
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