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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/212

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124 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 716. 1904. F¤¤Pl°Y¤°¤ °ld P°°'*· For employees, for the roper protection, heating, care, and preser-

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rtm t nor name y: ne engm r hurlllred (lllolldrs; lnsgstant bngineep, ope thtousazid d<fltla;s; gmxé fire; ` ; th tchmen acting as 1eu enan s a Gl uu re an llglly dchldrswlbach; twenty watchmen; condnictor og elevator, seven hundred and twenty dollars; fourteen laborers; ten laborers, at four hundred and eighty dollars each; three skilled mechan1cs(pa1nter, carpenter, and plumber), at nine hundred dollars each; in all, thirty-nine thousand six hundred and sixty dollars. _ G€·},*gj_';,*?g*{,,;,‘g°m°" Ormon or Assrsnucr AmonNnY—GmNnmL: For assistant attorney, ` three thousand dollars; assistant attorney, two thousand seven hundred and lift dollars; three assistant attorneys, at two thousand five hundred dollars each; four assistant attorneys, at two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars each; ten assistant attorneys, at two thousand dollars each; four clerks of class three, one ofwhom shall act as stenoFra£h¥r`anhLls one of whplmfsllitall a st§nog·ra‘pherla:,1c§1typewmte1;; one cer o c one;·in o y-mne thousand eig undred an iii? d llars. . · P¤r¢¤¤· •*¤· _ orlperdiem in lieu of subsistence of one special land inspector con- »hmn"p°mn' nected with the administrtactigp olf ttheupulglgg-lated segvzge, yr héle travel'; inonduty atarateto e y e` re ryo e n mor no exheedin three dollars per day, and for actual necessary expensds of 2 . transportation sincluding temporary employment of stengaphers, typewriters, an other assistance outside of the District of lumbm, and for incidental expenditures necessary to the eilicient conduct o examinations), two thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior. _ For per diem in lieu of subsistence of four special mspectors, Department of the Interior, while traveling on duty, at a rate to be hxed by the Secretary of the Interior, ngt exceedilntgtthrep drillairs per day, andf tual ecessar e nseso transpo a 1on mcu ing empo— rary gxlnploymdlnt of stlenogphexs, typewriters, and other assistance outside of the District of lumbia, and for incidental expenditures necessary to the eiicient conduct of examinations), to be expended uniler the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, eight thousand d lars. ¤·¤¤¤¤·•¤°°¤°°· OGENERLL Linn Orncn: For the Commissioner of the General Land Office, Eve thousand dollars; Assistant Commissioner, to be a pointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Sgnate who shall be authorized to si such letters, pa rs, and documents and to perform such other ddties as may be dhlgcted by the Commissioner, andfshall act as Cplmméissiomeg in the absenple of that officer or in case o a vacancy in e office o ommissioner ree thousand five hundred dollars; chief clerk, two thousand two hiindred and iift dollars; two law clerks, at two thousand two hundred dollars each; three inspectors of srgrveyorségeneral alnd distfieét lland offices, at two thousan 'dollars eac · recor er two thousand dollars· e even chiefs of division, at two thdusand dollars each; two law examiners, at two thousand dollars each; ten princippl examiners of land claims apd contests, agetgo tiiojusauld dollafls (eaph; two lexe;1l:iirr:,ers_otl;111fier1a;l caimsan con s a wo V thousand o rs eae; 1 y·e1g cer of class four; sixtyzfour clerks of class three; sixty-seven clerks of class two; sixty-nine clerks of class one; fifty-eight clerks, at one thousand dollars each; sixty-four copyists; two messengers; ten assistant messengers; six skilled laborers, who may act as assistant messengers when required, at six hundred and sixty dollars each; seventeen laborers; one packer, seven hundred and twentydollars; one depositary acting for the Commissioner as receiver of public moneys and` also as confidential secretary, two thousand dollars;