FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 1245-1247. 1904. 171 CHAP. 1245.-An Act Making Vinalhaven, Maine, a subport of entry. ·}gri1R12,2;;0i4. Be it enacted ln; the Senate and 1{ouse of R esentatives 0 the United States_of America in Congress assembled, Th3:WVinalhaven,]i'n the State [_ y 103] of Mame, be, and is hereby, constituted a subport of entry in the cus- mlixitllggiltsiisiii toms collection district of Belfast, Maine. trgi S M ,517 M Approved, April 12, 1904. ¤¤¤<¥¤&··<1·' 'p` ' QHAP. 1248.-—An Act For the establishment of Dayton, Ohio, as a port of Ag-i1i2,1904. delivery. . [ .12. 18212.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United [mmm, N0'104`] States ¢g"America in Congress assembled, That Dayton, Ohio, be, and g°¤*g¤¤¤bm d IB here y, established as a Iport of delivery in the customs collection agiiiofficiivgtiiia 8 district of New Orleans, ouisiana, and that the privileges of the ,mgE5§‘$Y·”“·P·“7· seventh section of the Act approved June tenth, eighteen hundred and _ eighty, governing the immediate transportation og dutiable merchan— pOI,{'§{§f,$,d“,l$,vjff,‘,Q‘§g dise wit out alppraisement, be, and are hereby, extended to said rt; 8'g¤{°gi ,,4 and there sha be appointed a surveyor of customs to reside at Eby- siéeioif I ' ton, who shall receive a salary to be determined by the Secretary of the Treasury. Approved, April 12, 1904. CQAP. 1247.-An Act ffo authorize the Norfolk and Western Railway Company Agril 12581904. tobndge the Tug Fork of Bu§Sandy River at certain points where the same forms the [ · K ud boundary lme between the tates oi Vi1;giuia_and Kentucky or the boundary [Public, No. 105.] lme between the States of West Virginia and N irginxa. · Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatiues of the United States qfl~1n»eriea in Congress assembled, mt it shall be lawful for Sa"fl*§_`R§$;§ of ***8 the Norfolk and \Vestern Railway Companv, a railroad corporation Norfolk and wsseowning and operating lines of railroad in West Virginia, in the im- $,,”§,?*§ll§‘§‘§°"m”“"’ provement, relocation, or extension of any part or arts of its line or the building of branches therefrom, to construct and maintain bridges I""""°"‘ and approaches thereto across the Tug Fork of the Big Sandy River at such points where the same forms the boundary line between the States of \Vest Vir inia and Kentucky or the boundary line between the States of WVestgVirginia and Virginia as the said compan may deem suitable for the passage of its road over the said fork of the Big Sandy River, subject to the approval of the Secretary of lVar. Sec. 2. That an · bridge or bridges authorized to be constructed mI;,"p}§',§‘;Q_,§f_f;f"""°’ under this Act shall be lawful structures, and shall be recognized and known as post routes, and they shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of other postroads in the United States, upon which also no hig er charge shall be made for the transmission over the same of the mails or for through passengers or freight passing over said bridge or bridges and approaches than the rate per mile paid for transportation over the railroads leading to said bridge or bridges; and the United States shall have the right of way for postal telegraph and telephone purposes without charge therefor across said bridge or bridges and _ _ _ approaches. Said bri ge or bridges shall be built and locate under ,,,*§,°f,{?§“,$$,§{§_‘§,’li‘f‘° and subject to such regulations for the security of navigation as the Secretary of \Var shall prescribe; and to secure that object the said company or corporation shall submit to the Secretary of iVar, for his examination and approval, a design and drawings of the bridge or bridges and a map of the lomtion or locations, giving for the space of one mile above and one mile below the proposed location or locations
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