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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/260

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172 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 1247, 1248. 1904. the hi h and low water lines u on the banks of the river or rivers the _ g p 7 direction and strength of the current at all sta es of the water, with th d` tl hthldftlgt dthl e Soun ings accura e y S owing e Je 0 1e S ream an e ocation of any other bridge or bridges, such map to be sufficiently in detail to enable the Secretary of War to judge of the proper location of said bridge, and shall furnish such other information as may be required for a full and satisfactory understanding of the Subject; and until the said plans and locations are approved by the Secretary of C"“"g"“· \Var the bridge or bridges shall not be commenced or built; and should any change be made in the plan of said bridge or bridges during the progress of lponstructiop or alfteéecompletiopxgruch clgmges slhall be sub]ect to the approva of the cretary o ar, an any c anges which the Secretary of War may require at any time in the said struc— tures shall be promptly made by the said company at its own expense. Use *>>‘·>*¤<¤ MGS- Sec. 3. That all railroad companies desiring the use of the bridge or bridges authorilried by this Act shall have and be entitled to equal rights and priv` es relative to the ssage of railway trains or cars over the same, add over the approach; thereto, upon the payment of _ a reasonable compensation fgr such use, and in case the owner or own~ ers of the said bridge or bri es and the several railroad companies or any one of them desiring sucg use shall fail to agree upon the sum or sums to be paid, and upon the rules and conditions to which each shall ppnforrlp b1;siing_slai(dlbriLllgeé>r br£ges,fallVmatters athissue betgvefln em S a eci e. y e ecre ry o ar upon a earing o e ¤gh*;}¤g*¤P*¤· €*·¢·» allegations and proofs of the parties; and equal privileges in the use of " said bridge or bridges shall be granted to all te egraph and telephone companies. ¤¤h*>·· —‘*<‘· Sec. 4. That on any bridge or bridges constructed under the provisions of this Act there shall be maintained at the expense of the company or corporation owning or controllino· the same such lights and other signals as may be prdscrihed by theTight—House Board? mE¤>~ of °·>¤>*¤¤°· Sec. 5. That this Act shall be null and void if actual construction of ' the bridges herein authorized be not completed within three years from the date hereof. A¤¤~¤d¤¤¢¤¤¤- Sec. 6. That the right to alter, amend. or re al this Act is hereb I Bd 2 . P9 Y express y reserv . · _ Approved, April 12, 1904. .}pri112. 1904. 1248.-.411 Act To authorize the Vulcan Coal Company, of Vulum, West _ i L _ Virginia, to bridge the Tug Fork of the Big Sandy River at Vulcan, Mingo County, [pun11(·, xo, 100,] Qltest Virgimisk wlgeri the same forms the boundary line between the States of West 1I`g1DI3 3!l( BH UC y. - I Be it emzcled by the Senate and House of Rq>resentat2'ces of the Dhited

[gi R§;;j§_ 0* BM Stems of America an L?nagv·e.ss ez-ssenzbled, That it Shall be lawful for

”ygi·;2\_cg>;;§gg·»ig£ tire Vulcan (goal Company, a corporation organized under the laws of l,-,,,,;,,,, W \·,,_ S * NN est Virginia, to construct and maintain a footbridge and approaches thereto across the Tug Fork of the Big Sandy River, at Vulcan, Mingo ggunty, glyegpazfirggniaf, gg/ere the saéngi fogmi the bplundagy line ween e r es o es irgmia an en uc y as the said company may deem gmtable for its purposes, subject do the approval of the Secretary of ar. ,,,,I;;'Qg{Q,,@T"°""" SEC- 2- That any bfidge authorized to be constructed under this Act shall be a lawful Structure, and Shall be recognized and known as a post route, and Shall en]oy all the rights and privileges of other postroads in the United States, upon which also no higher charge shall be made for the transmission over the same of the mails, or for through passengers, or_freight passing over said bridge and approaches than the rate per mile paid for transportation over the railroads leading to