174 F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. Il. CHS. 1250-1252. 1904- Apri112-19% CHAP. 1250.-An Act To authorize the abandonment of W street northeast, [S: Mm"] Washington, District of Columbia. [Public, No. 108.] _ l Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatwes oftbe United — Rggggggsggbiw States of America in Congress assembled, That the Commissioners of street nm-uma, an- the District of Columbia be, and they are hereby, authorized to aban- “‘°"“‘l· don W street northeast, between Lincoln avenue~ and Rhode Island vm T W avenue, as indica.ted on the second section of the highway extension ` “P"plans; and any future subdivision shall omit said part of W street lying etween said limits. Approved, April 12, 1904. A 112,1904- CHAP. 1251.-An A t T teth imu flicensesf Turkish, BHSSHDI , [gk- ****-1 meaietm was in me nimgt o?Columbia. 8 0 °r or [Public, No. 109.] . · , _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Res of the United Dgafggfglgbk States of America bn Congress assembled, That paragraph thirty of uygliicésb, 5. czc, section sevpn lpf "An Act making appropriations} to proyide foxiighe ‘ expenses o the government of the istrict of Co mnbia or the cal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and three, and for other _ purposes," approved July first, nineteen hundred and two, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: I-*¤·*¤S* mx- “ITAR. 30. That owners or managers of massage establishments and · Turkish, Russian, or medicated baths shall pay a icense tax of twenty- runat; _ I five dollars per annum: Hwided, That no icense shall be issued under P" '°° ”"”°`”‘ this paragraph without the approval of the major and superintendent nmmgnom. of police: ] roezidedfurther, That it shall be unlawful for any female to give or administer massage treatment or any bath to any person ot the male sex, or for any person of the male sex to give or a minister massage treatment or any bath any person of the female sent, in any mann-. establishment licensed nmder this paragraph. Any person violating the provisions of this ragraph s all, upon conviction be punished Ra 7 by a line of not less t an forty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for Erich offensea or by ingprisonment for notgess than thirty nor more t n ninety ays or both such line an imprisomnent· ,,gf”j=_*_;f*°·*°*°” ·** and, in addition to such pedalty, it shall be the duty of the assessor td revoke the license of the owner or manager of the establishment wherein the provisions of this paragraph shall have been violated." Approved, April 12, 1904. Apm13._1904- CHAP. 1252.-An Act To amend section forty-six hundred and seven of the _ _·‘_; __ _ Revised Statutes, relating to soliciting seamen as lodgers. [Public, N0. 110.] Be it enacted the Senate and House of Rq1resentatives of the United }}_;,"j}{‘;,“}(§ff_'j,*f,{_*,t_ States 0_f.AmeMca an Congress assembled That section forty-six huningltamenaslodgerv. dred and seven is hereby amended by adldin thereto the following: ,,m,g,;,5§?‘“°7""8”* "This section shall apply to vessels of tge United States engaged tnfflgflm °" *******5** in the foreégln trade and to foreign vessels." _ mM_ Src. 2. at this Act shall take effect one month after its passage. Approved, April 13, 1904.
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