FlFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. ll. Ch. 1253. 1904. 175 _ 1253.-—An Act To authorize the Government of the United States to par- Avril11i. 1904- ticipate in celebrating the one hundredth anniversary of the exploration of the Oregon [S" 276*] country by Captains Meriwether Lewis and William Clark in the years eighteen [rubric No. 111.] hundred and four, eighteen hundred and five, and eighteen hundred and six, and for other purposes. Wh6l'83S by an act duly passed b the le islature of the State of L°"',{“ md f1"" Oregon, approved January thirtietli, ninetgen hundred and three, gi>iii°P<iii¢ii·¤¤ii¤£ii me sam mum-ized me holding at the city or remand, oregon, ¤.$m£il&§éL‘¢’ér3f commencing May first, nineteen hundred and five, and ending “‘§f,;,;‘,}‘,§{{,°""°"· November rst, nineteen hundred and five, an industrial exposition ` to appropriately celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of the exploration of the Oregon country by.Captains Meriwether Lewis - an William Clark, and "by means of said exhibition to benefit the people of the State_ of Oregon by way of the advertisement and evelopmentbf its agricultural, horticultural, mineral, lumber, inanufa<3:uring,_shipping, educational, and other resources" of said State; an Whereas under and by virtue of said act of the legislature of the State of Oregon a commission consisting of eleven members, residents and inhabitants of said State, was authorized and a pointed, known and designated as the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition Commission, and the Lewis and Clark Centennial and American Pacific Ex sition and Oriental Fair, 'a corporation organized and existing und; the laws of said State, have jointly undertaken the inauguration of the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition at said city of Portland, to be held under the joint supervision, control, and managemelpjz of said commission and corporation, as provided by said act; a Whereas a number of States have enacted laws for and appro riated money to enable them to participate in said exposition, and) other States have signified their intention of so doing, and satisfactory assurances have been given by representatives of foreign governments that their governments will make interesting and instructive exhibits at said exposition illustrative of their material progress during the past century, and it is believed that the commerce of the United States in oriental and oceanic countries will be materially aided and developed by such exposition: Now, therefore, for the purpose of contributing to the success of said exposition and enabling our insular possessions and also oriental and oceanic countries to exhibit of their products and resources at said ex sition, Be it enacted by the Senate and House rgf§eq>r·e8eratative.v of the United dgxepxmwnt States of America in Congress assembled, That all articles that shall be tibia? °x imported from foreign countries for the sole purpose of exhibition at said exposition upon which there shall be a tariff or customs duty shall be admitted free of the payment of duty, customs fees, or charges, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe; Salesbut it shall be lawful at any time during the exposition to sell for delivery at the close thereof any goods or property imported for and actually on exhibition in the exposition buildings or on the grounds, subject to such regulations for the security of the revenue an for the collection of im rt duties as the Secretary of the Treasurv may prescribe: Itrwazidego That all such articles when sold or withdrawn for glow-M_, ld consum tion in the United States shall be subject to the duty, if any, erwsiiriirnmwui um imp0se<i)u n such articles, by the revenue laws in force at the date of · withdrawaljiand on articles which shall have suffered diminution or deterioration from incidental handling and necessary exposure the duty, if paid, shall be assessed according to the appraised value at the time of withdrawal for consumption, and the penalties prescribed by law shall be enforced against any person guilty of any illegal sale or- a,f{g£¤*¢¢¤¢¤¤¤fv¤¤· withdrawal.
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