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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/267

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V FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. CHS. 1253, 1254. 1904. 179 them, or for any subscriptions to the capital Stock, or for any stock certificates, bonds, mortgages, or obligations of any kind issued by said corporation or said commission, or for any debts, liabilities, or expenses of any kind or nature whatever attendin such exposition cogporation or commission, or accruing by reason oig the same. · uc. 9. That nothing in this Act shall e construed so as to create Ujiigeglgglgijg egf any liability upon the part of the United States, direct_or indirect, for mt: appmpmuon. any debt 0; ob 1g10D incurrp1d,rpr for any plagméortgaldsor pecumary assistance rom ngress or the reasury o the ni tates in sup- ` port or liquidation of anliy debts or obligations created by said United tutes Goverplmen}: boa in excess of appropriations hereafter made by bongress ere or. Approved, April 13, 1904. ’ CHAP. 1254.—.·&n Act To authorize the Williamson Coal Company (Incorpo- Aari113,1904. rated) tobridge the Tug Fork of the Big Sandy Riyer near Williamson, West Virginia, [ · R- 10135] Kheze tge same forms the boundary line between the States of West Virginia and [pubuc_N,,_u2_] en uc y. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representat1}ves of the United States0fAme1·2Zca Oongresaz assembled, Tlhat it shall be lawful for the SB'!;,? Rig]; of Bis Williamson Coal m y Incorporate a co ration organized wi rc 1 under the laws of Virgiiiia and operating West’¢irginia and Ken- 2'f,},",.1"%,§: ';"’(l£‘f tucky, to consprust anddmamtam a fopltbritdge and palpcopveylier, End V•· alsoarigean a es ereoacrosste'ug or o the Big Sandy Rger, pear %ll1BmS0t;l‘,-W68b Virgirm, wlpre the samp forms the boun ry ine between e States o est irginia an Kentucky, as the said company may deem suitable for the passage of · its road, the conveyance of coal, and for foot passengers over the said forlaof the Big Sandy River, sub]ect to the approval of the Secretary of 'ar. Sec. 2. That any bridge authorized to be constructed under this aD1é¤p*ggt¤r})ug¤¤¢¤¤ Act shall be a lawful structure, and shall be recogmzed and known as ' a post route, and shag] enjoy all the lriglhtsl andpriivilpges of othelii ppgé dth U 'ted tate u nw ic asono ig erc arges a iiizildd fdr the tilisinsmissiogovldg the same of the mails, or for through passengers, or freight passing over said bridge and approaches than the rate per mile aid for transportation over the railro s leading to said bridge; and the United States shall have the right of way for postal tele ph and telephone pu ses without charge therefor across said _ bridge and approaches. Sai-dobrgdge Shall be puil; and located undler ,,§§°,,’,?,f‘,}';§,{,‘§_f;,‘}}"° and subject to such re lations or the securi y o naviga ion as e Se ta of War shaliu rescribe· and to secure that ob`ect the said comrsanlyyor co rationlishall subinit to the Secretary of 1War, for his examination anldxdpproval, a design and drawings of the bridge and a ma of the location, giving for the space of one mile. above and one mill; below the proposed location the high and low water lines upon the banks of the river, the direction and strength of the current at all stages of the water, with the soundings, accurately showing the bed of the stream and the location of any other brigpe, such map to be sufficiently in detail to enable the Secretary of ar to of the proper location of said bridge, and shall furnish such otherinformation as may be re uired fora full and satisfactory understanding of the subject; and untill the said plans and locations are approved_by the Secretary of War, the bridge shall not be comnéencg or btmlt; and changes. ’·h ld h e be made in the plan of said bri ge uring e progiegsuof?:rdhs(i:r:ii§on or after completion, such changes shall be sub]ect to the approval of the Secretary of War. and any changes which the