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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/266

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178 FIFTY-ETGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1253. 1904. O A“°¤¤°¤*°* ¤P*°°- Sino. 5. That the allotment of s ace for exhibitors in the buildin or P . S building? erected under authority ot this Act for the use of the district of Alas a, the Territory of Hawaii, the Philippine islands, and also for the use of oriental and oceamc countrres, including the space not occupied by the Government board in the foresty and irrigation building, shall be done and tperformled without charge so exhibitors by the G t be rdd t' t tA t. I Memorial sew dvi- (S`:d:nl$]l8TllFhat aupoiiuthzrifgproiialehgotliigggt this Seizretary of the m` Treasury shall, upon the request of the_ Lewis and Clark Centennial ¤=¤i*- and American Paciuc Exposition and Oriental Farr Comcpany, cause to be coined at the mints of the United States not to excee two hundred and fifty thousand gold dollars, of legal weight and fineness, to be known as the Lewis and Clark Erpposition go] dollar, struck in com- D°¤ig¤¤·°*°· meénoragioln Hf saidlflrfpgsgzicgp. _ Ggwogds, devi<;)e;séa)ndt;i1es§ns mpon sai go dollars s e rmin an prescrr y e cre ary of the Tréeasuryé and all provisions pg law rellatgvpm to th; coipage Ed lega -ten er qu ity of a other go coin s a app `cab e to e com issued under and in accordance with the provisions of this Act. _ That the said coins shall be disposed of by the Secretary of the £r·ensury to th; sgid and C(glark Centennial anid Arr;pricandPacilic _ xpositnon an rien air mpany at par, un er es an re u- ' Mmls- lations and in amounts to be prescribed by him. That medals with ppgpropmzgegcipvécppé emblemskand inscripti3nsfo<;)mmem<:irativ•;)(;>f sagd wis an r nteunia xposition an o the awar s to ma e ? the exhiibitors thepeap tslhalg} pr§p‘a;sdfbyt¥1heb(S·ecEet?r(y_ of tghe reasury a some mm o e nr s or e r o rrec rs R-S··"°·*'“1·P·7°2· of said exposition company, subject t0_ the provisions of thedifty- second section of the coinage Act of eighteen hundred and ninety- three, and upon the yment of a sum not less than the cost thereof; and all provisions, wllihther penal or otherwise, of said coinage Act against the counterfeiting or imitating of coins of the United States s all apply to the medals issued under this Act. m;·i;¤1i]{_g{ug,w¤m· Sue. T. That the United States shall not be liable on accopn; of said ° ‘ exposition for any expense inci ent to or growin out 0 the same excppt fora thedepnstripction of the; buildingtzlpr buildings helreinbefoge authorize an ort e purploseo pa in e expense inci ent tot e selection preparation, pure ase,‘installat§>n, transportation, care, custody and safe return of the exhibits made lay the Government, and for the employment of proper ersons as officers and assistants by the Government board created by this Act and for other expenses, and for the maintenatnge of saiddbuildgng pir buildings and other contingent ex nses to a rove by the c airman o the Government blpargé Olggfl theéevent oghisdabgengagpr tdisabiptyll byrpuch officer as t e ar may esignate an e re ry o the easury, u n ,1jrrggp·zf mm me itemized accounts and vduchers: Provided, That no liability agaihgst mscnpunns. the Government shall be incurred and no expenditure of money appro-

 by gis Alpgphallllie madp until tpe lofligirs of said eixposition

s ve rnis to the satis action o the cretary of the Treasury proof that there has been obtained for the purpose of completing and opening said exposition bona tide subscriptions to the stock o Ellis°’§€°’§Z°,l$3p$i‘L'SE°3’f'3£¤T€S¤i°§‘5ll’},Z "“‘““’ °°§£"b`1ll°"S’ iii; a n u sasuma ega ngno than hix hundred thousand dollars. ’ g .U¤i*¢d S¤¤~>¤ Mt Sec. 8. That the United States shall not in any manner or under any liable for acts of Ex- . . . . posruonomcialsetc. C1I‘CI1lDSlCKDC€S be .llBl)lB {0I' Slly of hl1B acts, (l0II1g'S, 0I' l'8pI'6SBDt3lC1OIlS · of said Lewis and Clark Centennial and American Pacific Exposition and Oriental Fair, or the commission created by the act of the legislature of the State of Oregon, herein referred to, their officers, a nts, servants, or employees, or any of them, or for service, salaries, Ubor, or wages of said officers, agents, servants, or employees, or any of