FIF'l`Y·ElGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1402. 1904. 19] A ndtflhe slupierintendezt upon whom such duties devolve shall give bond V as 0 er n ian agen . For payment of necessary interpreters, to be distributed in the dis- "‘°°’P’°*°”· cretion of the Secretary of the Interior, four thousand dollars; but no person employed by the_United States and paid for any other service sha l be paid for inteizpreting. For pay of eight In ian inspectors, one of whom shall be an engineer I¤=i>¤¢¤>r¤ compgntent in the location, construction, and maintenance of irrigation
- 1; Séupltdgplg rghousand five hundred dollars per annum each, twenty
For traveling expenses of eight Indianjnspectors at three dollars E*P°¤¤¤¤~ per day when actually employed on duty in the field, exclusive of transportatmon and sleeping-car fare, in lieu of all other expenses now authorized by law, and or incidental expenses of inspection and investngation, mc uding telegraphing and expenses of going to and going from the seat of government, and while remaining there under orders and direction of the Secretary of the_ Interior, or a period not to _ exceed twentv days, twelve thousand eight hundred dollars. d gpr pay of one superintendent of Indian schools, three thousand m§‘g§{"-"°°°°°“° °* o rs. For necessar traveli e uses of one superintendent of Indian ""“'°“”¤· °‘°·· °"· schools, includilig teleghagphhilga and incidental expenses of ins ction mmm and investigation, one thousand Eve hundred dollars: That i>·€i°£$°m. he shall he allowed three dollars r day for traveling expenses when actually on duty in the field, excgiisive of cost of transportation and sleeping-car fare, in lieu of all other expenses now allowed by law: A furtlner, That he shall perform such other duties as may °“‘°’ ‘“'·*°°· be imposed upon him b the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, subject to the approval of the gcretary of the Interior. For buildings and repairs o buildings at agencies and for rent of *€°"°*' ""”‘“”¤’- plmldingls go;} agency purposes and for water supply at agencies, sixty — ousan dollars. For contingencies of the Indian Service, including traveling and °°““"'¥°“°i"· incidental expenses of Indian agents and of their officcs, and of the Commissioner of lndign Agagrlg; also tgaveliplg and tincglental pxpgpses ofs ciala ents att ree o rs r ayw en ac ua yem oy on dutyixin the€ield,, exclusive of trariheportation and sleeping·caIi· fare, in lieu of all other expenses now authorized by law, and expenses of goina to and going from the_seat_ of government, and while remain- ID there under orders and direction of the Commissioner of Indian Adairs, for a period not to exceed twenty days; for pay of employees not otherwise provided for, and for pay of the five special agents, at _ two thousand dollars per annum each, sixty thousand dollars: Pm- W, mm vided, That hereafter when it becomes necessary to_ make large per payments. capita payments to Indians, the Commissioner of Indian Ailairs, with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, is hereby authorized to require any disbursing officer of the Indian Department to tile a special bond in such amount as may be necessary to make such payment in _ one installment, the expenses incurred in procuring such special bond BMW bondto be paid by the United States from this appropriation. _ _ _ g For expenses of the commission of citizens, serving without com- gzqgupmgwvnpensation, appointed by the President under the provisions of the Act ' of April tenth? eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, four thousand dollars, of which amount a sum not to exceed three hundred dollars may Rmbe used by the commission for office rent. _ _ _ To enable the Commissioner of Indian xdlI&1I‘S·fO employ practical P¤¢¤¤¤1*¤¤¤¤¤ farmers and practical stockmen, subject only to such examination as to qualifications as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe, in addition to the agency farmers now employed, at wages not exceeding