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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/280

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192 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1402. 1904. seventy-five dollars each per month, to superintend and direct farming and stock raising among such Indians as are making eifort for

 self-support, one hun red and twenty-tive thousand dollars: Provided,

,,E;*;:fl}{g_9°'}Bs*fl”“· That the amounts paid said farmers and stockmen shall not come Vo1.30,p.90. within the limit for employees tixed b_y the Act of June seventh, eigiteen hundred and ninety-seven (Thirtieth Statutes, page ninety). Indian police. or services of officers at fifteen dollars per month eac , and privates at ten dollars per month each, of Indian police, to be em loyed in maintaining order and prohibiting illegal tratlic in liquor on the several Indian reservations and within the Territo of Alaska, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, for ge purchase of equipments, and fog the puiiphase gfdrinltgions for policemen at nonration agencies, one un re thousand o rs. mtgsw <>f 1¤di¤¤ d 5 or compensation of judges of Indian courts, twelve thousand o ars. gygggg ::1;%*; {To such rpontgngecplt pxpenpnes of th; (élgoctauw apptghickasaw wuz:. _ 01 izens 1p cou an su 0 IIZSO eersast ecre _ e nterior °°"““¤’°‘“°’P°"'°* may deem proper, and for rental of quarters, five thdtlsand dollars, to _ ug:¢"¤;>¤¤¤·¤ beanimediately available. And the uncxpended balance of the approvun. s2,"p. w prnatpon {pr c(p:;3nge(;1|;;expe1}sei;z, asélprovidgddirhthe Act of _July nplt, nine een un an wo, o ve thousand _ dollars remaimng on e books of the Interior Department December thi -ii nineteen hungrpld and tpree, amoémting to one lthouséalnd (mph and thirty-six o rs an twenty- ve cents, to the cr it o e octaw and Chickasaw citizenship court, is hereby reappzopriated for the necessary gxpsnseg of the said court until Decem r thirty-first, nineteen hun-" re an our. S°°“°€”P"°’”· For one stenographer to each of the three judges of the Choctaw and Chickasaw citizenship court, appointed by them, respectively, at one hundred dollars per month each from March third to June thirtieth. _ , nineteen hundred and three, one thousand one hundred and eighty dol- PQ,',Q,‘gf’“"g· °“’·~ °" lars and sixty-five cents; for travelingl expenses and subsistence of sand stenographers, the reporter, and the bailitf of said court, not to exceed three dollars per day each, one thousand five hundred dollars; zu gg, two tgiouspnd sui lpfndred and eighty dollars and sixty-five cents, o imme iate y avai a e. h£,{‘g’gQ,,u‘,;{ ‘°°°” To enable the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to employ suitable persons as matrons to teach Indian girls in housekeeping and other ousehold duties, at a rate not to exceed seventy dollars per month, and for furnishing necessary eqmglpments, twenty-hve thousand dollars: ,,·§Q,’{Q§*{,‘{,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,, Provided, That the amountspzi said matrons shall not come within f¤¤{,3¤gg·¥=9;6 the limit for employees fixe by the Act of June seventh, eighteen ' ’_` _ hundred and ninety-seven (Thirtieth Statutes, page ninety). eQ*'°**”*”¥ ¤“PP"°¤· fTelegl1;a;phing,(ag1(;i purphase of Inpian lsurpnéesc 'lslp pay the expens; o pure sing g s an su ies or the n ian rvice and o necessary employees; advertgihg, at rates not exceeding iiegulaiiibbmmercial rates; inspection, and all other expenses connected therewith, _ and for telegraphmg, sixty thousand dollars. p,feQ°*P°’”°g *’“P· For necessary expenses of transportation of such goods provisions, and other articles for the various tribes of Indians provided for by this _ Act, including pay and expenses of transportation agents and rent of ’f[,Z',,";’,‘j’,,, 0, ,,,,,,,_ warehouses, one hundred and ninet thousand dollars: Ihwided, That h<>¤M· no portion thereof shall be e ndled for the location or maintenance of an Indian warehouse at anylplizce other than San Francisco, Chicago V _ _ and New York City. °°°""‘"°“‘ d ppr pure vaccine matter and vaccination of Indians, five thousand o rs.