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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/292

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204 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1402. 1904. N°'•·**¤ Nnvxpa: For general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in - Nevada, including traveling expenses of agents, and support and ' civilization of Indians located on the Piute, alker River, and Pyra- ' mid Lake reservations, five thousand dollars; and pay of employees, includin physician at the Walker River Reservation, at nine hundred dollars, gmr thousand nine hundred dollars; in all, nine thousand nine hundred dollars. _ MW M¤¤i°°· N nw Mexico: For general incidental expenses of the Indian Serv1ce in New Mexico, including traveling expenses of agents, one thousand dollars.

  • 0**** D“°‘°· N 011*1*11 DAKOTAI For general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in North Dakota, including traveling expenses of agents at three

agencies, one thousand dollars. _ °¤*8°¤· Onnoouz FOI` general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in Oregon, including traveling ex enses of a ents, and {support and civilization of Indians of Grande Ronde and Siletz agencies, three ‘ thousand dollars; and pay of employees at the same agencies, three thousand dollars; in all, six thousan dollars. i $***1*** ”**°'*°· Sorrru Dsxowaz For general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in South Dakota., including traveling expenses of agents at seven agencies, three thousand dollars. _ _ _ UM- UTAH: For general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in Utah, including traveling expenses of agents, one thousand dollars. W¤¤¤¤¤r*¤¤- Wssmmrronz For general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in Washington, including travelin expenses of agents, and support and civilization of Indians at Colvdle and Puyallup agencies, an for pav of employees, twelve thousand dollars. W¥¤¤¤i¤8- Wrommoz For general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in W oming, including traveling expenses of agents, one thousand dollars. ¤¤·~¤·¤*°¤¤- MISCELLANEOUS. C,$,‘}g';;';,";*,‘{{,‘eQ? m" For salaries of four commissioners appointed under Acts of Congress yo}. Q. p. approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, and March °' ‘°`second, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, to negotiate with the Five Civilized Tribes in the Indian Territory, twenty thousand dollars, and mf:B”Q§j§§’j* fg0é°" said Commission shall conclude its work and terminate on or before ' the first day of July, nineteen hundred and live, and said Commission §Q;j§Q';Dw,,m€_ shall cease to exist on Jul * iirst, nineteen hundred and tive: Provided, That said Commission shall exercise all the powers heretofore conferred cfl;fh°,fd:““"°"°“ upon it by Congress: Anciproz•ide¢I_fin·z‘he¢·, That the Secretary of the P0¤l,p.10‘7?. Interim- is here iy granted authority to sell at public sale in tracts not exceeding one hundred and sixty acres to any one purchaser, under rules and regulations to be made by the Secretary of the Interior, the residue of land in the Creek Nation belonging to the Creek tribe of Indians, consistin of about five hundred thousand acres, and being the residue of lands left over after allotments of one hundred and sixty n£‘¤;1;;_·;tygnQ*i¤¤¤· acres to each of said tribe. And all the restrictions ll?Il the alienation " of lands of all allottees of either of the Five Civilized ribes of Indians E*°°P'l°'¤· who are not of Indian blood, except minors, are, except as to homesteads, hereby removed, and all restrictions upon the alienation of all other allottees of said tribes, except minors, and except as to homesteads, may, with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, be removed under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe, upon application to the United States Indian agent at the bnion Agency in charge of the Five Civilized Tribes, if said agent is satised upon a full investigation of each individual case that such removal of restrictions is for the best interest of said allottee. mem. The iinding of the United States Indian agent and the approval of the