FIF’1`Y—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1402. 1904. 205 Secretary of the Interior shall be in writing and shall be recorded in the same manner as patents for lands are recorded. Exlpenses of commissioners and necessary expenses of employees; mEj,{’,‘j,'§°° Qi 00** for c erical help, including secretary of the Commission and interpret- .l’ost,p.Té8(;.c` ers, two hundred and forty-two thousand two hundred and ninety- five dollars; contingent expenses of the Commission, three thousand dollars: Provided further, That this a ropriation may be used by . said Commission in the rosecution of allpwork to be done by or under tion. 0 appmpml its direction as required by law; in all, two hundred and sixty-five thtriplinnd two hundred gud eighty-liiys dolllars. ‘ P tno ings ereto ore wit res t to allotments in the 'i°' **“°“¤°¤*=· Cherokee [Nation shall be held invalid on thdgiound that they were cherokee Hmm had before there was authority to begin the work of allotment in said nation: Provided, That nothing herein shall be construed as validating mgfmlawn guy filings heretofore made on lands segregated for the Delaware ms` n ians. To complete the town site, ap raisement, and surve s in the lndian T°",f‘ ““° **“"'°Y¤· Territory under the provisionspof the Act of Juneytwenty-eighth, etidvl-gifi>`.Ci;»i>•1dl1`°ry` eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, twenty-five thousand dollars: Pro- Prvviso. vided, That said work shall be completed on or before July first, nine- “m°°*°°*¤Pl¤¤°¤· teen hundred and five. x To carry out the provisions of section ten of the supplemental agree- R°°d¤· ments with the Creek Nation, as ratified by the Act of June thirtieth, “V°l‘ 3* *’· 5*** nineteen hundred and two, and section thirty-seven of the Cherokee V°l‘32*p·m· agreement, asratiiied by the Act of July first, nineteen hundred and 'P°°t' *°'m2‘ two; ten thousand dollafs. H th d T _ For the u se of p acin a ottees in e In ian erritory in P¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ vf ¤11<>t- session of deiireillotments, EJ be expended under the direction ofptde i$°riit°’ mum Tm Secretary of the Interior, thirty thousand dollars: Bw6dodi_That no mm. portion of the money herein appropriated for the Indian erritory "’“‘“"*'°"*°“°"— shall be paid to any person in the service of the United States until such person shall make oath that he has no financial interest with any person or corporation dealing in Indian lands in the Indian Territory. That the Delaware-Cherokee citizens who have made improvements, migslnwnre-Chewkee or are in rightful possession of such improvements, in the Cherokee Aiieiiihenuxgmsor. Nation at the time of the passage of this Act shall have the right to first select from said improved lands their allotments, and thereafter, for a period of six months, shall have the right to sell the improve- Sale of improvements upon their surplus holdings of lands to other citizens of the °‘°°"“ Cherokee Nation entitled to select allotments at a valuation to be approved by an official to be designated by the President for that purse; and the vendor shall have a lien upon the rents and profits o the vendors neu. liiind on which the im rovements are located for the purchase money remaining unpaid; and the vendor shall have the right to enforce suc lien in any court of competent jurisdiction. The vendor may, however, elect to take and retain the possession of the land at a fair cash rental, to be a proved by the official so as aforesaid designated, until such ren tal shall be sufficient to satisfy the unpaid purchase price, and when the purchase rice is fully paid he shall forthwith deliver possession of the land to the purchaser: Provided, however, That any crops then {?gggg’£,s rights in growing on the land shall be and remain the property of the vendor, growing crops. and he may have access to the land so long as may be necessary to cultivate and gather such growing crops. Any such purchaser shall, without unreasonable delay, apply to select as an allotment the land p£ggé*f:jy¤ M imupon which the improvements purchased by him are located, and shall submit with his application satisfactory proof that he has in good faith purchased such improvements. _ _ For clerical work and labor connected with the sale and leasing of p£;*e*;°*l· °*°·· °¤· Creek and the leasing of Cherokee lands, fourteen thousand dollars.
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