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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/294

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206 FIFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1402. 1904. K L B°*· To pay R. I. Rea probate judge of Brown County, Kansas, for . mymmnm services rendered in the appointment of (guardians for minor Indians in forty-one cases, the sum of three hun red and eighty dollars, to be fgosglgémeut of an immedmtely available: Provided, That the same w en accepted shall mums. ge in full settlement plf all claims and demands against the United _ tates arising from suc transactions. §f§`J,gf,°l,‘€L“§i,e¤s€S_ To enable the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to pay the Commission for allottin the lands belon in to the Kaw Indians, and for preg QI E` paripghand pecordingbdeeéds, the sum of eight hundred dollars, or so muc ereo as may e n cessary. m$@ié¤tm%,_ That the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to use five thousand was nesemnon. dollars of the twelve thousand dollars appropriated by the Act of May ‘°’°2·P·°°°‘ twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and two, to enable him to remove certain Indians, `known as Wenatchi, to the Colville Indian Reservation, in the State of Washington, and to prdperly establish and temporarily maintain them, for the benefit of said Indians in their present . omes, in the purchase of agricultural 1mplements, wagons, teams, and in the agreclpon oflhgpses, as in his discreiticéiluhe may fetelmlplroper, MM tobeimm iate yava' e: ’ , tt e retaryo e terior giggle, w•°ii¤ii»;¤m,° is hereby to pay :3t of salidufive gxousarall dolltarsla sum not ·· extree un a fifty oars pay e_acua expenses of the d:Iegation composed of two Indians representing the Wenatchi ·Indians now in Washington on behalf of said tribe. $'{°;‘§f,°¤1°{"l,‘,}";,k That the Secretary o the Interior be, and he is herepiv, authorized rrggzn M www and directed, to my to the intruders in the Cherokee ation, Indian m ‘ Territotgyg wlilp lye not heretofppe fpgf any relaspn been paid tthse amoun ue em yap raisemen ere ore ma e or1m rovemen ' such paymlent to be mapid outhof funds now at the disposal) of the Sec; rotary o the Interior or suc purpose. $L1,¤¢;’¤¤*-gm To enable the President to cause, under the provisions of the Act of ' P` February eighth, eighteen hundred and_eighty-seven, entitled, "An Act_to provide for the allotment of lands in severalty to Ind1ans, such Ind1an reservations as in his ]udgment are advantageous for agricultural and grazing purposes to be surveyed or resurveyed, for thelplurposes of said Act, and to complete the allotment of the same, incl ng hmm gig necessary clemcal work incident thereto in the field and in the ce of Indian Affairs, and delivery of trust patents, so far as allotpnenés ghfillllhave been selected under said Act, forty thousand two _ _ _ un re dollars.

 §Q;§,§§_“’ M" For pay of physician, New York Agency, six hundred dollars. _ _

l"*¤¤¤<>¤· For construction of ditches and reservoirs, purchase and use of irrigating tools and appliances, and purchase of water rights_ on Indian reservations, in the chscreuon of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, one hundred and _ eight y-five thousand dollars, of which thirty-five thousand dollars shall Qygfhm eng, geuimmediagely Yaillable: ]’r0v¥°del;1', Ylélgat the Coniniisshiner of Indian mm. airs, unt er the irection o the cretary of the nterior may employ superintendents of irrigation, who shall be skilled irrigation engineers, not to exceed four, as in his judgment inay be necessary, to secure the construction of ditches and other irrigation works in a sub- _`m _ d H stalptial and worlgmapllike manner. d l -’ `°¥‘“¥““ ” °'* or survev an su ivision of Indian reservations an of ands to be l . • t ng allotted to Indians, and to make allotments in severalty, to be expended by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, under the direction of the _ Secretary of the Interior, twenty thousand dollars. “l;{§§_,f*g§_R“*’· For clerical work and stationery in the office of the United States Surveys. surveyongeneral required on surveys within the Pine Ridge Indian Refiervation, South Dakota, the sum of three thousand two hundred ‘ dollars. _