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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/296

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208 F1F1`Y-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1402. 1904. pu £ aggpvrolyildtefs fplr Iphphallotment of the Indians of the Uintah an e 1 e s ’1§g],'ufg;f1I,{;“,;’§g The Secretary of the Interior is authorized and directed to withhold pwpmngnfggourrjcyj from the amount appropriated by Act of February ninth, nineteen

 {QW, of ° hundred to the ud ent of the Court of Clanms 1D favor of the

v WY l . . V°l· °1»P· T'- New York Indians, an a d1tional sum not exceeding five thousand dollars, to be immediately available, and to apply it in the (payment of expenses necessary in ascertaining the beneficiaries of said judgment. judum Tammy, That the Secretar of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized m,§{*,‘°,§ {j:'}' ga"` and directed, upon the sale of lands in Indian Territory covered by coal leases." gud asphalt lelpsegshto sellfsuch lands iigbjecti tg ithe right of the lessee o use so muc o e sur ace as may nee e or co e ovens miners houses, store and supply buildings, and such other structures as are S mm generally used mnt et prgductmln anld shipmgnt ofkicoal landmcipke. ¤¤'°¤°°’°* · ees may use e ip es an un ergroun wor ngs oca on ‘ any lease in the productidn of coal and coke from adjoining leases, Noucg and are hereby authorized to surrender leased premises to the owner . thereof on giving sixty days' notice in writing to such owner and pay- mum. ing all charges and royalties due to the date of surrender: Promded, ’*Y¤°¤‘°**°Y*“Y· however, That nothing herein contained shall release the lessee from _ the payment of the stipulated royalty so long as such lessee remains in possession of any of the surface of the lands included in his lease ,mQ’·§,,'{,‘}Q,‘},,}; e§f·· °‘ for any purpose whatever: Andpmmided, That any lessee may remove or dispose of any machmery, tools or equipment the lessee ma have n s. upo the leased land y §°.‘,,“*°§d}‘,i,}‘,§’;,,,,,,_ That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized

  • §**`·=**'ri°°"°°" lid ‘l§3"€“l *3.“’2¥iZ wi {Raids Mfifd iifm g”’i£`g “£iY' ““*lii"g ii

ec 10 e ge n nsin e easury oge erwi suc - portion of the funds hereafter derived from sudh source as may be necessary, as a or community fund, in the payment of the balance now remaining due on the claims of certain hcensed Indian

 em traders against indivi ual members of the tribe: Provided, That after

said debts are paid the proceeds from the rental of stures (known as grass money) and the royalties from oil and gas shallibe applied to the reimbugsement of said tribal or community fund of the amount paid out un er this provision. ,,§,’{§‘{{}g$§,;{‘“ °°'“‘ That the Act entitled "An Act to refer to the Court of Claims cer- 0¤¤i¤¤¤. etc-., of i¤- tain claims of the Shawnee and Delaware Indians and the freedmen of uidararridiialliiiiiiziiun the Cherokee Nation, and for other purposes,” approved October first, °’$}j‘{f"g€6’f‘°,§‘f’°{,’,{§; eighteen hundred and ninety, be, and the same 1s_herehy,_amended so mended. 1 as to confer upon the Court of Claims the same jurisdiction to deter- P°"'°'m' mine the claims and rights of those alleged citizens of the Cherokee Nation known as intermarried whites as is therein conferred upon said court relative to the rights and claims of the Shawnee and Delaware lgdigns and} the greedmeniof said (éherokee Natjon, and saild case shlall a vance on t 18 ca en ar of said Court of C aims and the calen ar

  • “°'“”"“ ‘°°* of the Supreme Court, if the same is appealed. Said court in said judgment sha I tix the amount due the attorney or attorneys of record for

their legal services, not exceedin the amount stipulated by the contracts between said claimants angl said attorneys, and shall in said judgment direct that the accountin officers of the United States shall deduct from the amount due each cgaimant the attorney fee allowed in said jtpdgment and paylthe same directly to said attorneys and shall pay the ance to the c airnants. ghggje feyjgggé, m That the claim_of J. Hale Sypher against the Choctaw Nation, for mo: legal and professional services rendered by him to sa1d nation, under · · · an agreement made and entered into between the legally authorized commissioners of said nation and said Sypher on the seventh day of November, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, is hereby referred to the Court of Claims for adjudication; and junsdiction is hereby conferred