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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/297

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FIFTX-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1402. 1904. 209 upon said court to hear and determine said claim upon the principles 0 a quantum meruit and without regard to the provisions and requirements of section twently-one hundred and three of the Revised Statutes; R- S., sec 2103. p. and the said court sha I ascertain and determine the character, extent, w' an_d value of the services rendered by said Sypher tosaid nation under 8B1d agreement; and the court, having ascertained and determined the 36pm_ amount ]ustly and·equitably due and payable from said nation to said Sypber for services rendered by him under said agreement, shall report their iindings to the next session of Congress. All unleased lands which are by section fifty-nine of an Act entitled m°§,°f,§“d};”d Ch*°l*· “An Act to ratify and confirm an agreement with the Choctaw and Sale .¤i iznlmec Chickasaw tribes of Indians, and for other purposes," approved July 1*%*5 32, ,_ 654 first, nineteen hundred and two, directed to "be sold at public auc- °·’”°“°°d- l tion for cash," and all other unleased lands and deposits of like cha1·- acter in said nations segregated under any Act of Con ss, shall, instead, be sold under direction of the Secretary of this Interior in tracts not exceeding nine hundred and sixt acres to each person, after due advertisement, upon sealed proposals, under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior and approved by the President, with authorit to reject any or all proposals: Provided, mm. That the President shallyappoint a commission of three persons, one Commission. on the recommendation of the principal chief of the Choctaw Nation who shall be a Choctaw by blood, and one uplou the recommendation of theogovernor of the Chickasaw Nation, w 0 shall be a Chickasaw b_y bl which commission shall have a right to be present at the · time of the qpening of bids and be heard in relation to the acceptance or refection ereo . Al expenses, inclusive of necessary clerical help in the Department Expenseecrsle. of the Interior, connected with and incident to such sale sha be paid ‘ from the funds of the Choctaw and Chickasaw tribes on deposit in the Treasury of the United States: Provided, That all leased lands ff,‘g§g·,“dS shall be withheld from sale until the further direction of Congress. I To pay the heirs of Darius B. Randall, deceased, for certain improve- g¤¤ji¤¤ 1% ggnyil- ments situated on the Nez Perce Indian Reservation re1in uished by °im°° °”°‘ the said deceased to the United States for the use of theqNez Perce A tribe of Indians, two thousand four hundred dollars. For the construction and installation of a tele hone s stem from ¥g,*j'g1Y5¤;*é°·N·D¤*- Devils Lake, North Dakota, to the Devils Lake lndian llgpncy, and P ` to pay for the maintenance of the same for one year from the time of comp etion, one thousand two hundred dollars, or so much thereof as ma be necessary. Hier yment of the balance due various merchants of Cltquet and 8,,*;******* •*¤ IM I¤°*· Fond dlha Lac, Minnesota, from certain Fond du Lac Indians or sup- lpkygent xm mpplies furnished said Indians at the request of the Indian farmer, as ’ °" "‘m‘°‘i‘ ascertained by the Secretary of the Interior, under the provisions of the Indian appropriation Act alpproved June tenth, eighteen hundred V01.29,p.s11. and ninety-six, as follows: H. 5. Allen, twentyfour dollars and fourteen cents; Charles Gasper, one thousand an forty-nine dollars and forty-six cents; J. A. Rene, forty-four dollars and ninet&v—one cents; James A. Wallace, two hundred and fifty-two dollars an sixty-eight cents; Kelly and Moses, forty dollars and forty-nine cents; Mrs. James Peacha, one hundred and sixteen dollars and ninety-five cents; James Peacha, one hundred and eightlysix dollars and twelve cents; Frank P. Thompson, nine hundred an sixty-four dollars and fifty-one cents; A. H. Simmons, one hundred and seventy-six dollars an eightyfive cents; in all, two thousand eight hundred and fifty-six dollars and eleven cents. The Chippewa Indians of the State of Minnesota to whom allotments Mfgrwwe i¤<¤¤¤¤· have been or shall hereafter be made, and trust or other platents. con- cnn5x:.: qt tgmbei taining restrictions upon alienation issued or which shall ereafter be ° ““ ‘°‘ v01. xxxm, rr 1--14 ~