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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/299

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1402. 1904. 211 with the Pottawatoinie Indians September twenty-sixth and twenty- V°l·7·¥‘P·*31·“*· seventh, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, and duly proclaimed February twenty-first, eighteen hundred and thirty-five, said sum to be immediately available. . That there be, and is hereby, appropriated, out of any money in Coeur duuene nithe Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of twenty—‘1ive thou- mE£'v£°;°€§";,ud, fg sand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the survey *’°““°“°d ’°· and subdivision of a portion of the Coeur d’Alene Indian Reservation in the State of Idaho, and of lands to be allotted to the Indians thereon. To enable the Secretary of the Interior to urchase, in his discre— Cmp McDowell1x1- tion, at such price as he may deem reasonable and just, for the use dbi? R°S°""i°“’ ‘ and occupancy of the Indians of Verde River Valley and Camp 0,*;g$Q,';°fm°‘ °“““°" McDowell, Arizona, and such other Indians as he may see fit to locate ` thereon, the claims of whatsoever nature to lands and permanent improvements placed upon said lands prior to November ninth, nineteen hundred and three, within the former Camp McDowell abandoned military reservation, Arizona, now the Camp McDowell Indian Reservation, of such of the settlers thereon as may, upon proper investigation, be found to have valid rights thereto under any laws of the United States; and also in his discretion to purchase the improvements located on said reservation of any or all of such settlers as may be found by such investigation not to have valid rights attaching to the lands, the sum of not to exceed fifty thousand do lars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, the same to be immediately available. That any private land over which an Indian reservation has been Engchgsnse of priextended by Executive order, may be exchanged at the discretion of vm '"` ‘ the Secretary of the Interior and at the expense of the owner thereof · and under such mleaandregnlatiom as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the htericr, for vacant, nenmineral, nontimbered, surveyed public lands of equal area and value and situated in the same State or erritory. . _ SUPPORT OF SCHOOLS. I¤·¤¤¤ ¤¤¤<>·>*~- For support of Indian day and industrial schools, and for other S“PP°’*· W`- educationa purposes not hereinafter provided for, one million two hundred and forty thousand dollars. For construction, purchase, lease, and repair of school buildings, *‘““‘“’*¤‘· ·‘*°· and sewerage, water supply, and li bting plants, and purchase of school sites, and improvement of buigiings and grounds. three hundred and fifty thousand dollars; in all, one million five hundred and ninety thousand dollars: Proe·z'¢b<¢Z, /oowe/vw, That the Commissioner rg·~··i»··». of Indian Aifairs. may. when in his (judgment the good of the ,,,{3§',‘]§’f‘§{[l]'“""" "f service will be promoted thereby, suspen or discontinue any reservation Indian school, and, with the a proval of the Secretar of the Interior, may sell any reservation sdhool building or plant, that is no longer desirable as an Indian school upon any reservation and invest the proceeds in other school buildings and plants, as the needs of the service may demand, under such rules and regulations as he may. with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, (prescribe. For support and education of three hundre Indian pupils at Albu- Mj,Q_"“‘1““‘1“°· querq_ue, Lew Mexico, fifty thousand one hundred dollars; for pay of superintendent of said school, one thousand eight hundred dollars; for water system, five hundred dollars; general repairs and improvements. five thousand dollars: for the purchase of additional land for agricul- mf§},Q°*‘j;,§f,,,QQ‘§j, tural and other purposes adjoining or adjacent to said school, not to 1¤gs1=, exceed two hundred acres, and for the construction of new buildings mm and the furnishing and equipping thereof, and for the repair and equipment of the present buildings and plant, and the implrovement of the grounds of said school, to be expended subject to the discretion and under the direction of the Commissioner of Indian Afairs, fifty