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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/298

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. 210 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1402. 1904. issued therefor, are, with the consent of the Secretary of the Interior and under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, hereby authorized to dis se of the timber on their respective allotments.

  • m°¤¤*’”“‘ °* mf Timber on the alllhtments of minors may likewise be so sold by the

DOTS. . · · father, mother, or Indian agent or other otHcer ID charge, in the order named, and the Secretary of the Interior shall make such regulations for the disposition of the (proceeds of said sales as may be necessary to protect the interest of said Indians, including such minors. vgmm P*“° C°“*Y· To pay to the county of White Pine. State of Nevada, the sum of i Pdymemm. seven hundred and sixty-nine dollars and sixtyseven cents. to reim- 4 burse said county for money ex ended in carindg for certain Indians who contracted smallpox during the smallpox epi emic from February twenty-sixth to July first, nineteen hundred and one. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to pay, out of any money in the Treasury belonging to the Creek Nation, to Ruter W. Springer, executor of the estate of William M. Springer, deceased, the sum of three thousand six hundred and eighty- seven dollars and forty-eight cents, in full for professional services to ‘ said nation, under an act of the national council of said nation approved wwf-mg; May twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and one. The Secretary of the wr oixm or. Interior is also authorized and directed to pay to said executor, out of any mone in the Treasury of the United States belon ing to the ` Cherokee {lation, two Cherokee warrants issued to William Springer for one thousand five hundred dollars each, dated, respectively, July second, nineteen hundred, and January twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and one, and payable to him, or on his order, for professional services to said nation, under an act of the national council of said nation passed December ninth, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, together with interest on said warrants to the time of payment according to the tenor and effect of said warrants, said sums to be immediately available. That the Secretary of the Interior is further authorized and directed to pay to said executor, out of any money in the Treasury belonging to the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache tribes of Indians, in Oklahoma, the sum of five thousand dollars, in full for professional services rendered by the said William M. Springer to said Indians in the supreme court of the District of Columbia, in the case of Lone W0lf and others against the Secretary of the Interior and others, and two thousand dollars for professional services in said case on appeal in the Supreme Court of the United States, and four hundred and eurhty-four dollars and ten cents for expenses incurred on behalf of said Indians iu the prosecution of said suit; in all, seven thousand four hundred and eighty-four dollars and ten cents, under a contract with said Indians executed on the twenty-second day of June, anno Domini nineteen hundred and one, said sum to be immediately available. _r·¤¢mwawma»» in- To pay to the Pottawatomie Indians of Michigan whose names are °“$§i¤,,¥,}§'l`g0_ set forth in Schedule A. annexed to claimants’ requests for findings of fact, as stated and found by the Court of Claims in iinding four. in the case of Phineas Pamtopee and others against the United States, reported in the Thirty-sixth Court of Claims Reports at page four hunred and thirty, there is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of seventy-eight thousand three hundred and twenty-nine dollars and twenty-five cents, the Secretary of the Interior to distribute and pay the same to the Indians, respectively. mentioned in said Schedule A, and if any of them have died. then the sum or share that would have been id to such Indian or Indians, respectively, if livin , the Secretary shallapay to the heirs or legal representatives of each of those dead: such payments, when made, to be in full for any and all claims which said Indians may have under or by virtue of the treaty and articles supplementary thereto. made