218 FIFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1402. 1904. agricultural or one hundred and sixty acres of grazing land within the Di¤1><>¤¤1¤f ¤¤¤11•>t- reservation of the tribe to which said child belon s. That after said M md5' allotments shall have been made the remaining unadlotted lands in each of said reservations shall be allotted under said Acts in such manner as to give all the members of the tribe living on the thirtieth day of June. nineteen hundred and four, as near as may be, an equal quantitgeof {,"cg*e’§’j,,°n land in acres: Provided, That before making said allotments the c- ` retarv of the Interior may reserve for Government purposes, or for the common use of the tribe, not exceeding six hundred and forty Lands emvhed w acres in each of said reservations: Pr0vided_fm·i/cer, That the reserva- °°°°°i°°" 0k1°h°m”' tion lines of the said Ponca and Otoe and Missouria Indian reservations be, and the same are hereby, abolished; and the territory comprising said reservations shall be attached to and become part of the counties of Kay, Pawnee and Noble, in Oklahoma Territory, as follows: Kay C<>¤¤¢r- Township twenty -five north, of range one east of the Indian meridian, and fractional township twenty-five north, of range two east, of the Indian meridian, now in the Ponca Indian Reservation, shall be attached to and become a part of Kay County. The Kansas Reservation in Oklahoma is here y attached to Kay County. NW10 °°°¤*Y· Townshi twep3—fom north, of · range one east, of the Indian meridian; fiactio township twenty-four north, of range two east, of ‘ the Indian meridian; fractional township twenty-four north, of range three east, of the Indian meridian; fractional township twenty-four north, of range four east, of the Indian meridian, an that part of fractional township twenty-five north, of ranges three and four east of the Indian meridian, lying south of the Arkansas River, all in the Ponca Indian Reservation; township twenty-three north, of ranges one and two east, of the Indian meridian, all in the Otoe and Missouria _ Ijrgdian Reservation, shall be attached to and become a part of Noble unty. ’*"¤°° °°“”*¥ Fractional townsbi twenty-three north, of range three east, of the Indian meridian, andp township twenty-two north, of range three, of the Indian meridian, all in the Otoe and Missouria Reservation, shall S i 1 dish _ be attached to and become a part of Pawnee County. agsgdcaiioianmlwlm Sec. 9. That section eleven of the Act approved March second, "°‘·”·P·°‘°· eighteen hundred and ninety-five, entitled "An Act making appropriations for current and contingent expenses of the Indian Department and fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes for the tiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, and for other pur coses," be, and the same is hereby, repealed. . Nmnzsc .igsnc>·. Sm:. 10. 'l`bat Idsepli M. Ca1npbell.a_Santec Indian, may purchase, {genes!-Qagpbcll. upon such terms and conditions as the Secretary of the Interior may “ °" " °° °‘ prescribe. a tract of not exceeding live acres from the lands reserved for the Santee Agency, Nebraska, including the land upon which the improvements of said Campbell are located. and the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to convey said tract to the said Campbell "by ,,,§,§{;}’*"·`" *‘”""" patent in fee. And Stephen Blacksmith. a Santee Indian, may, in the Pmut in fee tc- discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, purchase upon such terms and conditions as the Secretary of the Interior may rescribe, a tract of not exceeding live acres from the lands reserved for the Santee Agencv. Nebras a, including the land upon which the improvements of Stephen Blacksmith are located, and the Secretary of the ' v _ I Interiorus authorized in his discretion to convey said tract to said . Q;-*;$J;,;*g;¤ég{ed};; Blacksmith by patent in fee. That all restrictions upon the sale of smmom. land of the persons herein named, who are adult citizens of the Creek Nation. Indian Territory, as now existing, are hereby removed in each of the following cases, and they shall have power and authority here- _ after to sell the surplus land hereinafter described without restrictions: T“"“ H“"°· Tulsa Harjo: Northeast quarter of north quarter of section thirty- two, township nine north, range thirteen east; north half of northwest
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