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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/307

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h`lb`TY-EIUHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1402. 1904. 219 qum·t•·r of section thirty-three, township nine north, range thirteen eas . Salina Emarthla: North half of southeast quarter; southwest quarter s"h““ E'““’“‘*“· ot southeast quarter; west half of southeast quarter of Southeast quarter of section twenty-nine, township nine, range thirteen east; west half of northwest half of northwest quarter of northeast quarter of Section thirty-two, township nine and ran e thirteen east. Susie Buckner: Southeast quarter of noréieast quarter of section Sum B“°"“*“· thirty-two, township nine, range thirteen east; southwest quarter of northwest quarter of section thirty-three, township nine, range thirteen east. . Okchun Emarthla: East half of northwest quarter of northeast . °k"”““ E“"‘"m“‘ quarter of section thirty-two, township nine, range thirteen east. And from and after the passage of this Act said lands shall be sub- T“‘°“‘ ject to taxation. Nothing herein shall authorize either of said parties to sell any part of their homesteads. _ Sec. 11. That Edgar Hendrix, lVichita allottee numbered three SE,§§“,§,}?,‘,‘,Q,‘},f,‘§,,d_ hundred and forty-nine, to whom trust patent has been issued containing restrictions upon alienation, may sell and convey not exceeding one-half of his allotment, but such conveyance shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, and when so approved shall convey a full title to the purchaser the same as if a final patent without restrictions had been issued to the allottee. · _ Sec. 12. That the Indians living along and near the Colville River in ,,§§’,§Ym° R"" m` Stevens County, State of Washington,to whom trust patents have been Sgleogfwgjeggrggg issued containing restrictions upon alienation, may sell and convey, for drainage purposes, much of such allotments as may be necessary for right of way ££.inage canals, but such conveyances shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, and when so a proved shall convey, for said purposes, a full title to the purchasers the same as if final patent without restrictions had been issued to the allottees. That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized §}{§’,§*,,‘},‘}’}§},‘g,,_ and directed to issue a patent in fee to Zonee Adams, a member of the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache tribes of Indians, for the lands heretofore allotted to her in the Territory of Oklahoma, and all restrictions as to the sale, incumbrance, or taxation of said lands are hereby removed. . , Sec. 13. That James N. Jones, Kiowa allottee_ numbered_twenty- six, to whom a trust patent has been issued containing restriction upon alienation, may sell and convey not exceeding one-half of his allotment, but that such conveyance shall be subject to the aipproval of the Secretary of the Interior, and when so approved shal convey full title to the purchaser the same as if a iinal patent without restriction had been issued to the allottee. _ _ mmm Hm Sec. 14. That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, ,0,,,, w_H,,§’,;,_,,,,f‘“· authorized and directed to issue patents in fee, severally, to Pasapa or _&{<e;S;;*,gggg_g¤¤l¤¤¤ Amanda (`. Hines. John W. Hines, junior., Lydia Marshall, Ehpriam` D. l’r¢~scott, and Ida C. Peek, members of the Sisseton and }Vahpeton tribe of Indians, for the lands heretofore allotted to them in Roberts County. in the State of South Dakota, and all restrictions as to sale, l¤Glllul.n'an4·c, or taxation of said lands are hereby TCH10V0d.. Wm_ X T _ SHG. 15. That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, ,,,,,,,_ “““ " '°“` Huthorized and direeted to issue a patent in fee to W1ll1am A. frousdale, P¤*¤¤* i¤ f¤—‘ *··- a citizen Pottawatomie allottee for the land heretofore allotted to hun in Oklahoma. to wit: The northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section thirty-six, township seven north, range two east of the Indian meridian, and all restrictions as to the sale, incumbrance, or taxation of said land are hereby removed.