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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/310

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222 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1402. 1904. eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, inclusive. That the said amount of eighty-one thousand seven hundred and two dollars and sixty-one cents shall be by the Secretary of the Interior paid to the Chippewa Indians of Lake Superior and the Mississippi in the proportion, 1f . any, due to each (in case it shall be found that a division of such fund is equitable), or invested or applied for their benefit by the said Secretar as may be deemed most advantageous for the interests of the said llhdians, anil the sum of eighty-ol-ne tthousand seven dhundred and two dollars an sixt*—one cents is ere y appropriate out of any money in the Treasuigy not otherwise approéprigted) for the purpose of mm”,,m carrying this provision into effect: Provide , That of this sum a suiiicient amount shall be reservéed lg! the Secrgtairy 0; the Interior to lpay the fees of attorne s for said n ians speci e in the agreements w ic have been heretofdie approved by the Commissioner of Indian Aifairs R- 5**°·”°”· P·3‘”- and the Secreta of the lhterior under the provisions of section twenty- one hundred andthrie tg the Revised Sltatutesi of g1e]Unittce(d States. °¤*¤'°¤’° mmm The Secretary of the reasury is authorize an irec to pay to in Cherokee Nation. . . . Payment w. the Delaware tribe of Indians residin in the Cherokee Nation, as said tribe shall in council direct, the sum (R one hundred and fifty thousand dollars in full of all claims and demands of said tribe against the United States, and the same is hereby appropriated and made immedi-

m , , ately available: Provided, That said  um shall be paid only after the

' tribal authorities, thereunto duly and specifically authorized by the tribe, shall have signed a writing stating that such pa ent is in full of all claims and demands of every name and nature ofylsiaid Delaware Indians against the United States, which writin shall be subject to ` _ the approval of the President of the United States and shall have _u}{§°°”"““°¤°° °* piipvi ed fog glgeléliscontipéiance of alllacticgis pendling in all courts “ w erein said e ware ians are p ainti and the United States defendants.

,,?§§%hF§.°§iL$j“d Sec. 22. That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby,

P°'°¤°¤i¤*°°*°- authorized and directed to issue patents in fee to Boone Chandler, Estella Chandler, and Joseph Chandler, members of the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache tribes of Indians, whose allotments are numbered respectivel * two hundred and seven, two hundred and eight, and twenty-four hundred and sixt -one, for the lands heretofore allotted tolthem in lthe Territory of (lklahoma, and all restrictions as to the sa e. incum rance, or taxation 0 said lan s are hereb * removed. §:{:nf,f;*jgjjf; S1·:c. 23. That the Secretary of the Interior bc, arid he is hereby, authorized and directed to issue a patent in fee to Nora G. llazlctt, a Caddo I ndian, for not to exceed forty acres of the remaining eighty acres of the one hundred and sixty acres of land heretofore allotted rb her in the Territory of Oklahoma, to wit. the northwest quarter of section eleven, township seven north, range twelve west. Indian meridian; and all restrictions as to the sale. incumbrnnce. or taxation _ ofrsaid land are hereby rernoved. I _ ,0f,f§{{lf ’*·A·“°*’°“‘ That the-Secr_etary ot the Interior be. and he is hereby, authorized params in ree m. and directed to issue tents in fee to Frank A. A. Robertson. Edmond Cheney Robertson, Ulla F. Robertson, Samuel J. Brown, Joseph R. Brown, Augusta Brown, Jennie Brown. Susan F. Brown. Thomas A. Robertson, da Robertson, Nancy Tawaqin., members of the Sisseton and lliahpeton band of Sioux Indians, for lands heretofore allotted to them pn the Stat; of Souléh Upkota], andlall restrictions as to sale, incum rance, or xationo said an s are iereby removed. ¤’,‘,j*;‘_j_‘,Q§‘§;’j,€€(,,,__ That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is herebv, authorized ang tdirectgd to tapproirei a Ndepd dated June ninth, nineteen hundred an ree, rom ose ‘. - e ut. citizen Pottawatomie allottee. numbered four hundred Izind eighty-nine. and Eliza Melot, his wife. conveying to Louisa Melot (his divorced wife), the southwest quarter of