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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/309

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. MO2. 1904. 22] ings upon the land hereby reserved and upon the land originally reserved, and all money received from such sales, as well as all money heretofore received or that may hereafter be realized for the use of said waters or for the use and occupancy of the land or the buildings thereon, through leases, permits, or otherwise, ma be expended . under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior {hr the care and management of said lands andthe preservation of the improvements thereon: And provided furt/wr, That if any person, nrm, or corpora- Vi¤1¤¤¤¤ of resumtion shall willfully violate any of the rules and regulations prescribed mm" by the Secretary of the Interior relative to the use of the waters of said springs an creeks and the use and occupation of the lands in said ' reservation, such person, Erm, corporation, or members or agents thereof, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction P°‘““Y· shall be fined not less than five dollars and not more than one hundred dollars and may be imprisoned for a term of not more than six months · foiheacgi offense. f A e ecretary o the Interior is hereb directed to a raise at their P "‘*°°‘“"° “”d actual value at the time of such appraisement, all toiivlii lots, held by mmguwf mm lm. citizens of the United States within the limits of the tract of land ceded to the United States by the Choctaw and Chickasaw nations, at or near Sulphur Springs, in the Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory, and pay for the same to such lot holders severally, or to their legal representatives, the aippraised value of such lots by warrants drawn by the Secretary of the nterior upon the Treasurer of the United States; - and the amount necessary to pay the same is hereby appropriated from *”’°*"“‘“°"· any money in the Treasuniy not otherwise appropriated. The fore- p,T,f,‘f 1****** *°' W going appraisal of lots sha be completed within three months from ` the passageofthisAct. _ _ _ _ v ` Sec. 19. That Seymour W. Hollister be reimbursed in the sum of m§¤v=¤<>¤¤ W- Home four hundred and twenty-two dollars and twenty-six cents for attor- rieimbummem. ney’s fees and disbursements on account of the action brought by the State of Wisconsin against the Government for timber purchased in — good faith by the said Hollister of the Government, and which was alleged to have been wropgfully taken from State lands on the Menominee Reservation in isconsin. · Sec. 20. That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, ggfgggewauthorized and directed to pay out of any available fund of the Cher- ` okee Nation of Indians in the Treasury of the United States, to R. O. ' Evans and Com ny, of Green Bay Wisconsin, the sum of three thousand eight hundlfaed and seventy dollars, said amount being in full pa - ment for maps furnished said tribe of Indians under a contract made with the council of said Cherokee Nation. Sec. 21. That the Secretar of the Treasury is authorized and F,,§y*';1gj°{g°“- directed to ay to Mary Matthews, a clerk at the San Jacinto Indian ` Training Sclhool, California, the sum of one hundred dollars, from V°*-$2·P- 257- funds in the United States Treasury to the credit of the appropriation, "Removal and support of Mission Indians/’ such bein the amount paid bv her from personal funds·to Jose Antonio C. B. IVFooat, an Indian of the Mission Agency, California, and such ayment shall be a full discharge of the obligation of the United Siates to Jose Antonio C. B. Mooat, for the va ue of his garden crops on Warner’s ranch, California, authorized to be paid by Act of May twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and two. . That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized §,Q}1;>§x‘;¤£g¤n§:{¤ and directed to set aside in the Treasury of the United States to the may mucus. credit of the Chippewa Indians of Lake Superior and the Mississippi the sum of eigl1ty—0ne thousand seven hundred and two dollars and sixty-one cents, said sum being the total amount arising from balances . of a propriations under treaties with said Indians and covered into the Treasury between the years eighteen hundred and forty-three and