230 1·*rFrY-E1011TH oouerucss. Sess. 11. cn. 1405. 1904. "1>Armr:Nrs ro rum sovnnrmrmr. MTM; °° um "Sec. 10. The said company shall, within one month after the ` expiration of each year, file with the superintendent of public works a statement showing the oss receipts from the sale of electric light and power furnished by th; company, and shall at the same time pay to the superintendent of public works two and one-half per centum of the gross receipts of the company from all electric light or power furnished to consumers during the year preceding. “PU`BCh.ASE on LEASE. P‘“`°h°"°°"°°'°' "S¤0. 11. The said company shall have the right to acquire, hold, or take over, either by purchase or lease, property, both rea , personal, or mixed, and such other property as may be necessary or incidental to the proper conduct of its business, said company shall, however, not have e right to purchase franchises and property of whatever nature of another company of like nature'. "nomzow1Ne or Mount up rssuamm or norms.
m§‘“_?°°' "Sn0. 12. The said com whenever from time to time it shall
KR G be deemed expedient in the rance of the objects of the company, shall have the wer to borrow money and to secure the ayment thereof, with th:) interest agreed upon, by mort e of all) or any portion of the properly., and the franchises and prigyiil-egcs granted or obtained by virtue of is act, or if it be deemed advisable, bonds ma be issued, secured by a deed of trust of such property as aforesaid; not to exceed sixty per centum of the actual value thereof, together with all future acquired property, as well as the income and receipts of the prolperty from whatever source derived, and in such form and under suc terms as said company may deem advisable: Provided, That nothing in this section contained shall operate to prevent said company from obtaining the usual business credits and to make promissory notes without security. “PENA`L'1'!1}8. P°¤*l¤°*· “Sec. 13. Whenever said company refuses or fails to do or perform or comply with any act, matter, or thing requisite or required to be done under the terms of this act, and shall continue so to refuse or fail to do or perform or comply therewith after reasonable notice given by the superintendent of public works to comply therewith, the said superintendent of public works shall, with the consent of the governor and the attorneygeneral, cause proceedings to be instituted before the proper tribuna to have the franchise granted by this act and all rigihts afpd privileges granted thereunder forfeited and declared null an von . "Sr:c. 14. Any person who shall willfully or intentionally injure, molest, or destroy any of the poles, lines, wires, meters, or other appliances, or the material or property belonging thereto, or shall without permission or authority of the company connect or cause to be connected by poles and wires, or by an · device, with the wires, cables, or conductors of the company, for the purpose of obtaining electric current for light, heat, or power, or whoever shall, without such permission or authority, cut or cause to be cut wires or other devices connected with any meter or meters erected or set up for the purpose of registering or recording the amount of electric current supplied to any consumer by the company. or change or shunt the wiring leading to or from any such mete1·, or by any device, appliance or means whatsoever, tamper with any such meter in such mannef that such meter or meters will not measure or record the amount of electric current supplied to any consumer by the company, shall be