FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 1405,1406. 1904. 23]. guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof in the district court of Honolulu, or other court having jurisdiction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one `hundred dollars or by imprisonment with hard labor not exceeding six months: Provided, however, That nothing herein contained shall be deemed to affect the right of the company to recover by action at law damages for any injury done by-such unlawful action. . "enAm· Nom nxcnnswn. " Sec. 15. It is hereby expressly provided that nothing herein con- ,,§,'f"“‘ “°* °‘°1“‘ tained shall be so construed as to grant to the company the exclusive right to furnish, sell, or supply electric light or power. ·" Sec. 16. This act shall take effect and become law from and after the date of its approval. "Approved this 28th day of April, A. D. 1903. · "SANronn B. Donn, "Governor of the Territory of Hawaii." Sec. :2. That Congress or the legislature of the Territory of Hawaii, ‘°m°“°"‘°'“‘ with the approval of Congress, may at any time alter, amend, or repeal this Act. _ Approved, April 21, 1904. ` CHAP. 1 .——An ActT ratify' a v and confirmanact dul ena b the A 111%.1904- legislature dm Territory of, ltgragutcliorize and provide for dhs mxdwnbnce R· 96*3] and supply of fuel and gas and its by-products in Honolulu. [Pubns, No. 129.] Whereas the legislature of the Territory of Hawaii did, by an act Y*°•¤**‘°· duly passed at the nineteen hundred and three session thereof, authorize W. W. Dimond, his associates, successors, and assigns, to manufacture and supply fuel and illuminating gas and its by-products in Honolulu; and VVhereas the governor of said Territory did approve said act on the fifteenth day of April, nineteen hundred and three; and Whereas the Act of Congress to rovide a government for the Territory of Hawaii, approved A ril thirtieth, nineteen hundred, provides that the legislature of the 'Ilerritory of Hawaii shall not rant to any corporation, association, or indivi ual any special privilege or franchise without the approval of the Congress 0 the United States: Now, therefore, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representat¢?ves of the United States of America bn Congress assembled, That the act of the legislature Multum of the Territory of Hawaii entitled "An act to authorize W. W. emma? fran- Dimond, his associates, successors, and assigns to manufacture and ° ’r° ‘ supply fueland illuminating gas and its by-products in Honolulu," approved b * the governor of the Territory April fifteenth, nineteen hundred andy three, be, modified, and as so modnied is hereby, ratified, approved, and confirmed, and amended so as to read as follows, towit: "Ac·r Nmimmxzn Timrrr. "An act to authorize W. W. Dimond., his associates, successors, and P”"“‘°“ °"°*‘ assigns to manufacture and supply fuel and illuminating gas and its by-products in Honolulu. "Be it enacted the Ze vslature 0 the Territory 0 Ifawaii, Section. 1. _ That W. W. Digond, of Honoléu, island of Cahn, Territory of f,v,;,°,{',;£’,}§*;,,,,,_ Hawaii, his associates, successors, and assigns, or such corporation as gg1g3U8g- mi- i¤ he or they shall cause to be incorporated under the laws of the Terri- ‘ ° ° `
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