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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/320

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232 ‘ FIFI‘Y-EIGHTH closeness. sm. 11. cu. 1406. 1904. tory of Hawaii (he or they being hereinafter referred to as W. W. Dimond), are hereby authorized and empowered to manufacture and su ly s for use as a fuel, for illuminating purposes, and otherwise, in liibnoldlu, which, for the purposes of this act, shall be held to mclude all of that ortion of the island of Oahu extending from the westerly limits of Nibanalua to the southeastern extremity of said island, and lying to the southwest of the Konahuanui range of mountains on said island. B¤i1di¤z¤. em “Sec. 2. Said W. W. Dimond shall have the right to erect and maintain at such places, within the limits mentioned in section one, as the superintendent of public works shall approve, such buildings, machinery, and ap urtenances as may be necessary for the production, manufacture, and) storage of such gas, together with its various by-products, as may be required from time to time during the existence of the rights hereb granted. P*P<=¤- "S1:c. 3. gaid W. W. Dimond, for the purge of distributing such . gas for use as by this act authorized, shall ve the right from_t1me to time to lay pipes or other conduits for such distribution, m or under the streets, roads, and places in the said district; and whenever sup ly pi s and mains shall be laid in any block, connections shall be mad; andpe ipes shall be laid from said main to the curb line of the street for the purpose of supplying gas to the property holders adjoining such street, and each o such connections shall be provided with sto ks inside of such curb line: Provided, That nothing herein shglpcmvent the laying down of additional branches or connections at any tune when future requirements render the same necessary. But the methods by which such streets, roads, and places are to be used shall be subject to prior consent and approval of the superintendent of public works, and all instructions and directions made by him shall be strictly followed, to the end that the eneral public shall be inconvenienced as little as plossible; and provided, likewise, that whenever any street, road, or other place shal be excavated and holes or trenches made therein for laying, maintaining, replacin or repairing such pipes, conduits, or connections, such holes or trenches shall be safeguarded and refilled as soon as possible, and the pavement, if an *, and such street, road, or place shall be replaced in good 0I‘d01' and condition: Provided, That if such repair or restoration shall not be made to the satisfaction of the superintendent of public works within a reasonable time, whereof he shall be Bidge, he may cause it to be done at the expense of the said W. W. imond. S“’°°‘l*'“P'• °*°· ‘Sr:c. 4. Said W. W. Dimond shall also have the right to erect and maintain lamp-posts or other appliances for lighting streets, roads, or other ilaccs. and of connecting the same with the sup ly pi es: P1·02·z`¢d¤<z', That such use of said streets, roads, or other plhces sllall lirst be approved by said superintendent of public works: Andprorelic:] jimtbor, That if said V. \V. Dimond shall manufacture and supply illuminating gas, as well as gas for fuel, and shall erect lampposts as aforesaid, he shall, on requisition of the superintendent of public works, furnish free of cost gas for lift street lights, and thereafter shall each your furnish five more in addition to the number furnished the preceding year. “°°°"‘ LCSec. 5. Said W. W . Dimond shall also have the right to maintain and use gas meters or other means for measurin the amount of gas used from time to time and in such places as may be deemed necessary, and to operate the same for all purposes connectedwith the use of such gas, and shall also have the right to charge, receive, and collect from all consumers of gas such reasonable prices as he or such persons or corporation may from time to time fix and determine, but not at any time to exceed two dollars and twenty-five cents per thousand cubic feet, with a discount of ten per cent on all payments made within