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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/323

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1407. 1904. 235 _ For the purchase, manufacture, test, and issue of mountain, field, and dé*gg‘g{$_jfgh“°*d· md siege cannon, including their carriages, sights, implements, equipments, ` an the machinery necessary for their manufacture at the arsenals, five hundred and eighty-four thousand two hundred dollars. For the {purchase, manufacture, test, and issue of ammunition for M¤¤¤¤**i°¤- machine an automatic guns, and for mountain, field, and sie e cannon, including the necessary experiments in connection therewith, and the , machinery necessary for .its manufacture at the arsenals, two hundred and eleven thousan six hundred dollars. . For the purchase, manufacture, test, and issue of rapid-fire guns for F~*P*d·**’° Kumcoast defense, including their carriages, si hts, implements, equi - ments, and the machinery necessary for their manufacture at the arsenals, six hundred and eighteen thousand dollars. For the purchase, manufacture, test, and issue of ammunition for *"“"“”*“°“· rapid-fire guns for coast defense, including the necessary experiments in connection therewith, and the machinery necessary for its manufacture at the arsenals, one hundred and seven thousand dollars. For the purchase, manufacture, test and issue of seacoast guns and S°**°°°*°¤“¤$· their mounts, including sights, im lements, equipments, and the machinery necessary for the1r manudicture at the arsenals, one hundred and eighty thousand dollars. For the purchase, manufacture, test, and issue of ammunition for “"’“‘“““°“· seacoast cannon, including the necessary experiments in connection therewith and the machiner necessary for its manufacture at the arsenals, three hundred and thirty thousand dollars. · _ For the purchase, manufacture, and issue of inspecting instruments m m,"§f,‘;; for the lmanufacture of cannon, carriages, and ammunition; range ewfinders and, other instruments for fire control at the fortifications and in held the necessagy machinery for their manufacture gt lthhe hundred an seventeen thousand five hundred o rs. For the urchase, manufacture, and issue of ammunition, subcaliber fo;*;,“,§,‘},‘t*{f,*,;*°”· °*°·· tubes, and) other accessories for artillery practice, including the ` machinery necessary for their manufacture at the arsenals, three hundred and seventy-four thousand dollars. For the alteration and maintenance of the mobile artillery, includ- ,,,§Qff,,§"},';‘,‘}j{Q,.,,_°‘°·· ing the purchase and manufacture of lathes, tools, and materials neces- ` sary for the work and the expenses of the mechanics engaged thereon, eleven thousand dollars. For the alteration and maintenance of the seacoast artillery, includ- ,,°·j§°g‘}§,’jf“’•°‘°··“*"" ing the purchase and manufacture of lathes, tools, and materials necessary for the work, and the expenses of the mechanics engaged thereon, tive hundred thousand dollars. _ For eight-inch, ten-1nch,_ and twelve-1nch_ guns, manufactured by $,j’,}°’;,fi,gf'§§;, ,,,,_ contract, under the provisions of the forti cations Acts approved August eighteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety, and February twenty- fourth, eighteen hun red and ninety-one, two hundred and one thousand dollars. - `mzovme enomvn, saimr nook, Naw mnsnr. ggugldjgfgsvmnw For current expenses and maintenance of the ordnance proving N¤*¤¤¤¤¤¤¤· ground, Sandy Hook, New Jersey, including expenses incident to the transportation of men and material therefor, general repmrs and alterations and accessories incidental to testing and provin ordnance, including hire of assistants for the Ordnance Board, skilledimechanical labor, purchase of instruments and other supplies, building and repairing utts and ta?ets, clearing and grading ranges, fifty thousand two hundred and orty-three dollars. For the necessary uses of officers while temporarily employed E*r·¤¤¤¢¤¤f·>¤¤¢¤=- on ordnance duties asm proving ground and absent from their proper