236 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1407. 1904. station, at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents per diem while so employed, and the compensation of draftsmen while employed in the Army Ordnance Bureau on ordnance construction, eighteen thousand seven hundred dollars. _ _ _ T¤¤•=k ¤¢P¤i¤· For repairs of railroad tracks connecting the proving ground with the Central Railroad of New Jersey, six thousand dollars. R°‘“lS· For replacing plank roads by macadam, five thousand dollars. Q1;§S€*V¤**°¤ °X· For the construction of bomb proofs for protection of observers at pethe diiferent targets, and to provide facilities for observing the burstin point of shrapnel and higlrexplosive shell, four thousand dollars. . hor observation range an plotting tower, seven thousand two hundred dollars. _ 0m°°’¤’¤“”'°'¤· For adding to the wing of the brick house for accommodation of officers temporarily at the proving (grounds, including heating, lighting, plumbing, and furnishings, in a ition to the eleven thousand dollars appropriated by Act approved June sixth, nineteen hundred and two, _five thousand six hundred dollars. · W¤¢¤¤*ii¤* A¤¤¤¤r WATEBVIAIET ARSENAL, WATHBVLIET, NEW Yom:. G¤¤ F¤¢*<>W 1>¤¤¤¤- For purchase and installation of electric power plant in Army Gun Factory, seventeen thousand dollars. Electric ¤¤¤¤€· For rebuilding electric crane in main gun shop, fifty thousand dollars. W¤*¢¤<>W¤ A¤¤¤¤*· WATERTOWN ABSENAL, WATERTOWN, MASSACILIUSETTS. M¤¢hi¤¤¤ Md *<¤>!¤· For the purchase of machines and tools at W3t61`tOWH Arsenal, thirty thousand ollars. F’““kf°'° ‘“`"““r F12ANKFonD A1zs1s:NA1., PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA. c,,€’,}§“,§’l‘°1 *’l““° “”"" For necessary machinery for enlarging shra(pnel plant authorized by Vol- 32 P· 1027- the fortuication appropriation Act, approve March third, nineteen hundred and three, thirty thousand dollars. _ For building for assembling and storing artillery ammunition, thirty thousand dollars. SUBMARINE Mums. S“""‘“"’“° m“""· For the purchase of submarine minesand necessary appliances to operate them for closing the channels leading to our rincipa sea orts, and continuing torpedo experiments, including extra-dsuty pay to soldiers necessarily employed for periods not less than ten days on work in connection wit the issue, receipt, and care of submarine mining ` material at the torpedo depot, one hundred thousand dollars. mniill§lT`°"”"l l"”°“1` F1m·:—coNraoL 1NsrA1.1.Ar1oNs, m°°m°“lpl°“°*‘ For the purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance of the necessary lines and means of electrical communication, including telephones, dial and other telegraphs, wiring and all special instruments,· apparatus, and materials, and salaries of electrical experts, engineers, and other necessary employees, connected with the use of coast artillery, five hundred thousand dollars. "‘*“‘·`" *"’“°“*°“’· ron*rrF1oA*r1oNs IN INSULAR POSSESSIONS. S°“""°“ *’““‘*"‘*“· For construction of seacoast batteries in the insular possessions, Q_ Q H _, seven hundred thousand dollars. ““" “""""· Fornproeurement of land needed as sites for the defenses of the Hawaiian Islands, two hundred thousand dollars.
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