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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/344

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256 F1FTY-n1enrH ooNoREss. sm. 11. oe. 1484. 1904. We, the undersigned, do hereby certify that we witnessed the signatures of James McLaughlin, United States Indian inspector, and the 1,031 Indians of the Rosebud Agency, S. Dak., to the foregoing agreement. FRANK MULLEN, Agency Clerk. C. H. BENNETT, Farmer, Cut Meat District. JOHN SULLIVAN, Farmer, Black Pi e District. FRANK ROBINSON, Farmer, Little Vyhite River District. FRANK SYPKL, Farmer, Butte Creek District. IsKKc BEITELYOUN, Farmer, Big)White River District. JAMES A. MCCORKLE, Farmer, onca District. Loms Bon1>EKUx, Ex-Farmer, Agency District. Rosmmm AonNcY, S. DKK., October 4, 1901. I certif that the total number of male adult Indians over 18 years of age belyonging on the Rosebud Reservation, S. Dak., is 1,359, of whom 1,031 have signed the fore oing agreement, being 12 more than three-fourths of the male adult Indians of the Rosebud Reservation, S. Dak. ‘ Cms. E. McCnns1mY, United States Indian Agent. ° Rosmmn AonNcY, S. DKK., October 4, 1901. Therefore, Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 f Representat2}ves of the United m§·,°“§i’,‘§‘,}k_ Rm"` States of Ame1·éca in Congress assembled, That the said agreement be, ` and the same hereby is, accepted, ratified, and confirmed as herein Amcgmd grae aniepded andIm< }d1iiied,_;si fgllowsycl _ th R b d R “ . ‘ ‘ 1r1*1cLn . e said n 1ans on n on e ose u eserva— mem mm; mmm. tion, South Dakota, for the consideratidgd hireinafter named, do hereby cede, surrender, grant, and convey to the United States all their claim, L¤¤d¤ °*=d°d· right, title, and interest in and to all that part of the Rosebud Indian Reservation now remainin unallotted, situated within the boundaries of Gregory County, Song; Dakota, described more particularl as follows: Commencing in the middle of the main channel of the {lissouri River at the intersection of the south line of Brule County; thence down said middle of the main channel of said river to the intersection of the ninety-ninth degree of west longitude from Greenwich; thence due south to the forty-third parallel ot latitude; thence west along said plarallel of latitude to its intersection with the tenth guide meridian; thence north along said guide meridian to its intersection with the township line between townships one hundred and one hundred and one north; thence east along said township line to the point of beginnin , the unallotted land hereby ceded approximating four hundred and sixteen thousand acres, lying and being within the boundaries of Gregory County, South Dakota, as said county is at present defined and organized. mj;{°"' l““°‘S *4***** "A1z·r. Il. ln consideration of the land ceded, relinquished, and conveyed by article one of this agreement, the United States stipulates and agrees to dispose of the same to settlers under the provisions of the homestead and town—site laws, except sections sixteen and thirtv— m‘}*§ggf,Qj_°‘P"”°€°” six, or an equivalent of two sections in each townshi . and to pav to sgggnl »ec¤<>¤s. said Indians the proceeds derived from the sale of said) lands: and also ° the United States stipulates and agrees to pay for sections sixteen and thirty-six, or an equivalent of two sections in each township, two Pavmem of pm dollars and fifty cents per acre. ceedsi °‘A1z·r. III. It is agreed that of the amount to be derived from the sale of said lands to be paid to said Indians. as stipulated in article two mmm_ of this agreement, the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars shall be expended in the purchase of stock cattle. of native range or