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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/345

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1484. 1904. 257 graded Texas two-year-old heifers and graded Durham or Hereford two-year-old bulls, for issue to said Indians, to be distributed as equally as possible among men, women, and children, but not more 0¤¤¤<1i¤trib¤fi¤¤- than one ha f of the money received in any one year shall be expended as aforesaid, and the other half shall be paid to said Indians per capita in cash, and an accounting, settlement, and payment shall be made in the month of October in each year until the lands are fully aid fo1· and the funds distributed in accordance with this agreement: Igmrided, mm. however, That not more thanfive hundred thousand dollars shall be ,,,g{,‘Q“’°“ °’ P"' expended or paid within two years after the ratification of this agreement, and not to exceed one hundred and fift thousand dollars in each of the followin years until the e iration ofrfive years. "Am. IV. II is further a redd) that all persons of the Rosebud Reccsuirionofnibal — Indian Reservation, South Dadiota, who have been allotted lands and rm`"' who are now recognized as members of the tribe belonging on said reservation, including mixed—bloods, whether their white blood comes from the paternal or maternal side, and the children born to them, shall enjoy the undisturbed and peaceable possession of their allotted lands, and shall be entitled to all therrights and privileges of the tribe • enjoyed by full-blood Indians upon the reservation; and that white men heretofore lawfully intermarried into the tribe and now living with their families upon said reservation shall have the right of residence thereon, not inconsistent with existing statutes. "Am‘. V. It is understood that nothing in this agreement shall be t_Tr§g¢r risks conconstrued to deprive the said Indians of the Rosebud Reservation, mu ' South Dakota, of any benefits to which they are entitled under existing treaties or agreements, not inconsistent with the provisions of this agreement? · K Sec. 2. That the lands ceded to the United States under said agree- ,,I,f§};°§,“},d‘§, ,‘j§f¤°j mont, excepting such tracts as may be reserved by the President, eww ¤¤¤ ¢<>w¤-use not exceeding three ~hundred and ninety-eight and sixty-seven one- "”` hundredths acres in all, for subissue station, Indian day school, one Catholic mission, and two Congregational missions, shall be disposed of under the general provisions of the homestead and town—site laws of the United States, and shall be o ened to settlement and entry by proclamation of the President, which proclamation shall prescribe the mggjgfng W P'°°***· manner in which these lands may be settled upon, occupied, and entered by persons entitled to make entry thereof; and no person *°°*’·¤°·”’**· shall be permitted to settle upon, occupy, or enter any of said lands, except as prescribed in such proclamation, until after the expiration _ of sixty days from the time w en the same are olpened to settlement “”"·*‘·'"°· and entry: Provided, That the rights of honorab dischar ed Union p,,m,,,_ soldiers and sailors of the late civil and the Spanish war orlhilip ine m*§§,*;{g”°* *°*'-“°” insurrection, as defined and described in sections twenty-three hundred n.s.,m¤é.m. ms, and four and twenty-three hundred and five of the Revised Statutes p' as amended by the Act of March first, nineteen hundred and one, shall l°l‘ m' P' B`"' not be abridged: Amlproz~ided[{‘urther, That the price of said lands Homcsteld enmes entered as homesteads under the rovisions of this Act shall be as follows: U n all land entered or tiled upon within three months after P¤r¤¤¤¤¤· the same 51(imll be o ned for settlement and entry, four dollars per acre, to be paid as follbwsz One dollar per acre when entry is made; seventy-five cents per acre within two years after entry; seventy-five cents per acre wit in three years after entry; seventy-tive cents per acre within four years after entry, and seventy-tive cents per acre within six months after the expiration of five years after entry. And upon all land entered or tiled upon after the expiration of three months and within six months after the same shall be opened for settlement and entry, three dollars per acre, to be paid as follows: One dollar per acre when entry is made; fifty cents per acre within two years after entry; fifty cents per acre within three years vox. xxxxu, rr 1;l7*