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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/347

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1485. 1904. 259 CHAP. 1485.-An Act Makin appropriati nf r su he Arm for the A ¥'U23· 1904- fiscal year ending June thirtieth,_ hundred)a1?dcHv<i;p:i.)1i’d(f£>f other piirposes. [ [1$%1§9‘l _ Pub c, No. 149.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ States of America in Cbngress assembled, That the following sums be, t,,;},;'" “"*"°"“" and they are hereby, appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the Army for the year ending June thirtiet , nineteen hundred and five: _ Conrmcnucms or run ARMY: For all contingent expenses of the °°“""‘““°‘°“‘ Army not otherwise provided for, and embracing all branches of the militaiéy service, including the office of the Chief of Stal}, to be expen ed under the imme iate orders of the Secretary of War, twenty thousand dollars. ARMY Wn: C01.LEoE: For ex uses of the Army War College, A"" W"` °°"°“‘ being for the temporary hire of ogbe rooms, purchase of the necessary stationery, office, toilet, and desk furniture,.text—books, books of reference, scientific and professional papers and periodicals, binding, maps, police utensils, and for all other absolutely necessary expenses, fifteen thousand dollars. . umn}: rm: cnmr or Auriuunur. mPy’}d°*Chi°*°*A*¤l· SoHo0L or Sunmnixn Dnrnnsn, Four Torrnn, New Youx: For S§,'{}’,§'[‘“““° D°‘°'“° incidental expenses of school and depot, including chemicals, station- I”°*d°¤****¤P¤¤¤¤¤· ery, hardware, extra-duty y to soldiers necessarily employed for periods not less than ten xys as artiticers on work in addition to and not strictly in line with their military duties, such as mrpenters, ' blacksmiths, draftsmen, printers, lithogramrs, photographers, engine drivers, telegraph operators, teamsters, w lwrights, masons, mac inists, painters, overseers, laborers, office furniture and fixtures, machinery, and unforeseen expenses, ten thousand dollars. or purchase of material for use in instruction of artillery troops ,,j§f*°""l f"'""“'“°‘ in their special duties in connection with the loading and planting of submarine mines, one thousand dollars. For purchase of special apparatus and for experimental purposes of "°°°”°°“”‘ the department of electricit , mines, and mechanism, Fort Totten, New York, two thousand dollsars. For purchase of special apparatus and for experimental pprposes of the department of c emistr and explosives, Fort Totten, ew York, one thousand five hundred dyollars. For purchase of special apparatus for electrician sergeants division, (Scgool of Submarine Defense, Fort Totten, New York, three thousand 0 ars; For purchase and binding of professional books of recent date treat- B¤<>¤¤- ing of military and scientific su jects for library of School of Submarine Defense, and for use of school, two thousand five hundred dollars. UNITFZD Srxrns smzvrcn sermons: To rovide means for the theo- Service schools. retical and ractical instruction at the Artiiiery School, at Fort Monroe, Fort Monroe. Vo. Virginia; tlife School of Submarine Defense, at Fort Totten, New York: Fort '1‘¤¤o¤. N. Y. the General Service and Staff College, at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, QQ L°"°“"""'"‘· and the School of Application for Cavalry and Field Artillery, at Fort Fm mov. Kom- Riley, Kansas, by the urchase of text-books, books of reference, scientitic and professionai) papers, the purchase of modern instruments and material for theoretica and practical instruction, and for all other absolutel necessary expenses, to be allotted in such proportions as may, in the opinion of the Secretary of War, be for the best interest of the military service, twenty-five thousand dollars. For contingent expenses at the head uarters of the several military ‘t¢;;>c¤;:Eo¤v~¤¤o¤ divisions and departments, including flue stad corps serving thereat, q °"‘ being for the purchase of the necessary articles of office, toilet, and desk furniture, binding, maps, technical books of reference, profes-