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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/348

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260 FIFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1485. 1904. sional and technical newspapers and `Nperiodicals, and police utensils, to be allotted by the Secretary of ar, and to be expended in the discretion of the several military divisions and department commanders, seven thousand fi·ve hundred dollars. _ _ _ ,i§f§§§;§0¤_i"f°m“` For contingent expenses of the military information dlV1S1OD, Ceneral Staff Corps, including the purchase of law books, professional books of reference, professional and technical periodicals and newspars, and of the military attaches at the United States embassies and lizcgations abroad, and of the branch office of the Military Information Division at Manila, to be expended under the direction of the Secre

 ti t _ tary of War, ten thousand dollars: Provided, That section thirty··six

périi up ws °p° hundred and forty-eight, Revised Statutes, shall not apply to subscr1p— · R·S··"°·““**’·"“· tions for forei n and professional newspapers and periodicals to be paid for from dns appropriation. ¤:iiIi¥¤gi.Chm msi ormca or THE cmmr SIGNAL 0EF1cE1=.. ·"*‘*’°“”°’· Srmur. Smrvrcn or THE Amar: For expenses of the Signal Service of the Army, as follows: Purchase, equipment, and repair of field electric tele raphs, signal equipments an stores, binocular glasses, telescopes, hehostats, and other necessary instruments, including necessary meteorological instruments` for use on target ranges; war balloons; telephone apparatus (exclusive of exchange service) and maintenance of the same; electrical installations and maintenance at military posts; maintenance and repair of military telegraph lines and cables, including salaries of civilian employees, supplies, and general repairs, and other expenses connected with the duty of collecting and transmitting information for the Army, by telegraph or otherwise, b,:l”Sk° mum'? °°‘ two hundred and eight thousand five hundred dollars; for completing the purchase, instal ation, operation, and maintenance of a submarine military cable from Sitka, Alaska, to Fort Liscum, Alaska, connecting _ _ by an all-American route the headquarters of the Department of l°1‘32’p‘°2°‘ Columbia with the military garrisons in southeastern Alaska, as authorized by the Act of Con ress a proved March second, nineteen hundred and three, three hunmhed and twenty-one thousand five hundred and eighty dollars. Par. PAY or ormcmas or THE LINE. L‘"“ °'“°*"“· For pay of officers of the line, five million dollars. ¤¤•¤z-i¤>·· For pay of officers for length of service, to be paid with their· current monthly pay, one million and seventy-one thousand four hundred and twenty-eight dollars. . mr or ENL1sr1·:r> MES.

  • ?¤**§*<‘*‘ m=·¤· For pay of enlisted men of all grades, including recruits, nine mil-

,f[f;{,Q';;_.&_,dm0m, lion do lars: Prwided, That hereafter firstclass gunners of field artil~ pur lerv shall receive two dollars per month and second-class gunners one dollar per month in addition to their ay. mllj;guf¤· A¤h¤¤· Ror refunding to Major lrVilliam Arthur, Medical Department, " United States Army, money disbursed through errors in descriptive list of an enlisted man of the Second Regiment, United States Infan- _ try, seventvfive dollars. l·‘*"¤°‘“>’· For additional play for length of service, one million two hundred and eighty-eight thousand six hundred and fifty dollars. ENGINEER BAITALIOX. Hngineerbamlion. d]1£wo hundred and seventy thousand seven hundred and fiftvsix o ars. · ‘ ‘*’“¤*"‘¤’· Additional pay for length of service. twentv-seven thousand three hundred and seventy-six dollars. `