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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/350

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262 FIFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1485. 1904. Twenty-five clerks, at one thousand four hundred dollars each per annum. Sixty-five clerks, at one thousand two hundred dollars each per annum. Eighty-six clerks, at one thousand dollars each ger annum. Sixty-eight general—service messengers, at seven undred and twenty dollars each per annum. _ In all, two hundred and seventy-three thousand one hundred and sixty dollars. A”*g¤¤°¤°· And said clerks and messengers shall be employed and assigned by the Secretary of War to the offices and positions in which they are to serve. S'·°"'·°‘°· ron rar or ormcmas or mn STAFF oonrs, mvrsrous Ann DEPART- mmurs. D,;‘,§¥,‘f,j‘,Q‘,§g_‘*°“°""“ ADJUTANT—GENEBdI»’S Dmraarunwr: For pay of oiheers in the Adiutant-Ge¤eral’s Department, eighty-three thousand five hundred dollars. ` °"’“°"“’· · For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be _ with their current monthly pay, twentydive thousand and fifty dol rs. y In all, one hundred and eight thousand five hundred and fifty dollars. p,;3l{,,'§¤°:Y"°"" S That the officers of the Adjutant-General’s Department, except the G“ggj2;°,§8*l;*l¤};j*Ij;l}1c’l}utant-General, and the officers of the Reco and Pension Ofhce and accom me ren- s l hereafter constitute one department of the Army, to be_known ‘ °l°" °m°°i°°°‘ as the Military Secretary’s Department; and the Adjutant-General’s Oiiice and the Record and Pension Office, heretofore constituting _(m§?f‘f,Y"{}',f?1i°“°°°‘ bureaus of the War Department, shall hereafter constitute a consoli- Pm do I dated bureau to be known as the Military Secretary’s Olhce of the War ,,¤,_-ei? °’ °°°" ° Department. The officers so consolidated shall be borne on one list in the order of rank held by them, and those of them who hold permanent pppointments as officers of the Adjutant-General’s Department or of e Record and Pension Office shall be entitled to promotion below the grade of brigadiergeneral, as now provided by law and in the order of their standing on said list. Except as otherwise provided herein, the laws now in force shall continue to govern the appointment, romotion, and detail of all. officers of the consolidated ddpartment hereby {fj_°g’,f{°gm,0,Sm¤_ created: Provided, That the officers of the said consolidated department shall be subject to the supervision of the Chief of Staif in all _ _ matters pertaining to the command, discipline, or administration of ,,,'§;{}‘}f,‘,§§§‘Q_‘{,‘,,“‘,!,{§lg the existiu military establishment: Pr0vided_furt}»er, That noa int- J s ¤ (ii . . . PT s¤¤·*··· ments or etanls to the grade of assistant ad]utant-general wit the rank of major shall be made until the number of officers of that de shall be reduced to less than ten, and thereafter the number of oélders >**¤¤·¤‘**·*’$¤¤*¤‘- of said grade in the consolidated department shall be ten: Rwéded ,.,L`_' h" """"""““` jhrtber. That of the officers consolidated as hereinbefore provided the senior in rank, who shall be chief of the consolidated department and the title of whose office is hereby changed to that of the military sec- ,,,;:2,;;:; *·¤ ¤·em¤·y. shall hereafter have the rank of major--g._,,,,.m;_ 3,,,; th, ,,,,0,,,,,; K '€° 9 ‘ senior of said officers shall hereafter have the rank of brigadier-gem I_;‘;r;1¤;;¤q¤¤¤r¤pwi¤¤· eral: Provided further, That when the office of Military Secretarv ` with the rank of major-general shall hereafter become vacant it shall not be tilled with said rank, and thereafter the chief of the lililitarv Secretary’s Department shall have the rank of a brigadier-general with the title of The Military Secretary, and there shall be onlv one officer above the rank of colonel in the said department. Except as hereinafter provided. the remaining offices of the consolidated de artwgggzygygoggig ment shall retain the titles that they now bear: Prnadrlerl /iu·¢/nm-, That aim.when the office of Adjutant—General shall become vacant the vacancv ,,__Qj¤¤‘¤ um 0* ¤¤i· so created on the active list of the Army shall not be filled, and thereafter the several officers now designated by the title assistant adjutant-