FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1485. 190+. 263 general and by the title assistant chief of the Record and Pension Office ‘ shall be designated bv the title Military Secretary: Provided _]‘iu•t}2er. ic§°1‘“°”' H°'“"*"" That the chief of the Military Secretary’s Department shall be a member of the Board of Commissioners of the United States Soldiers` ome. INSPE(7IOR-GENERAL’S Dnranmnmz For pay of officers in the D§§§{’,°,§’,*§’,§g_G°“°""" Ins vector-General’s Depai tment, fifty thousan five hundred dollars. Eor additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid I’°"’?'"’" - with ghpliir current monthly pay, fifteen thousand four hundred and fift o rs. . Iii all, sixty-five thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars. Tm: Cours or Eisemmms: For pay of officers in the Corps of Engl- E“"“°°’ °°"’°‘ neers, three hundred and thirty -one thousand nine hundre dollars. Lo . For additional pay to such officers for lenph of service, to be' paid °g°my° with the? cprrent monthly pay, ninety-nine thousand five hundred and seventv ol ars. In all, four hundred and thirty-one thousand four hundred and sevent dollars. Thatllsection twenty-two of the Act approved February second, nine- ,,,,X.‘},{j,§r l" 7”*· teen hundred and one. entitled "An Act to increase the elliciency of · the permanent military establishment of the United States,” be, and the same is hereby, amended so that it shall read as follows: . _ " Sec. 22. That the Corps of Engineers shall consist of one Chief of }¥Q',{’,“b§§ EP“2,'§°§`§g Engineers with the rank of brigad1er- eneral, of ten colonels, sixteen i¤°'°”°‘*· lieutenant-colonels, thirty-two majors, $orty-three ca tains, forty-three first lieutenants,,and forty-three second lieutenants. Ilhe enlisted force provided in section eleven of this Act, and the officcrs serving with the` organized battalions thereof shall constitute a part of the line of the Army: Prmrided That the of Engineers shall be a inted as §°;Ym‘v,c,,d,_ nowlprovided by law, and hereafter vacancies in the Corps ol)Egineers ‘ • . in other grades above that of second lieutenant shall be fi led by promotion, according to seniority, from the Corps of Engineers. Any vacancies occurring at any time in the grade of second lieutenant shall be left fpr future prpmotions from the corps of cadets at the United States I ilitarv Aca emv." · ' ORDNANCE l`)EPARTMEkT2 For pay of officers in the Ordnance Depart- m§§""‘°° I'"`""` ment, one hundred and fifty-three thousand nine hundred dollars. _ _ For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid L""""""*‘ with ther furrent monthly pay. forty-tive thousand nine hundred and twent ol ars. In dll, one hundred and ninety-nine thousand eight hundred and twenty dollars. QUARTERMASTEB'S DEPARTMENT; For pay of officers in the Qarter- W‘·}{;;;j“{¤******`“l‘* master’s Department, two hundred and twenty-three thousand live ` hundred dollars. · For additional pay to such officers for lenglth of service, to be paid "°“¥*""‘*`· with their current monthly pay, sixty-seven thousand and fifty dollars. I n all. two hundred and nmety thousand five hundred and fifty dollars. Sunsismscn Dizranrmmrr: For pay of officers in the Subsistence m§},‘lf**'°"°° Dm"' De rtment, one hundred and forty-nine thousand five hundred dollars. _ lgdr additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be (paid I‘°“*°""" withfitheir current monthly pay., thirty-one thousand three hun red and ft * dollars. In all, one hundred and eighty thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars. i MEDICAL DEPARTMENT: For pay of officers in the Medical Depart- mg{$“°¤* D°P¤*‘*· ment, six hundred and thirtv·three thousand four hundred dollars. ` For additional pay to such officers for len th of service, to be paid L°”=‘*“’**F- with their current monthly y, two hundred thousand dollars. ln all, eight hundred and thirtythree thousand four hundred dollars.
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