FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1485. 190-L. 267 rurnrrrrxn soontrs. d Say of officers of the line: Fifty first lieutenants, eighty thousand P*‘i“PPi“° °‘°°““· o ars. Fifty second lieutenants, seventy-five thousand dollars. Noncommissioned officers and privates, fifty companies, four hundred and ninety-six thousand four hundred and forty dollars. · All the money hereinbefore a pro riated for pay of the Army and PM ¤<><¤¤¤¤¤¤- miscellaneous shall be disbursed) and) accounted for by officers of the ‘ Pay Department as pay of the Army, and for that purpose shall constitute one fund: Promfded, That hereafter all payments to the militia §q·G§¤<>S· ' under the provisions of section fifteen of the Act of Congress approved vox. £,°;*f°vii9S` January twenty-tirst, nineteen hundred and three, and all allowances *""‘·P·2"5· for mileage shall be made solely from the sums herein appropriated for such purposes: And proziided fur!/zer, That all the accounts of m§;·g>¤& <>*St¤¤· individual paymasters shall be analyzed under the several heads of the eenmif ym an appropriation and recorded in detail by the Paymaster-General of the Army hefoiée said accounts are forwarded to the Treasury Department for final au it. snnsrsrmron DEPARTMENT. m?iiim°n°°> Dem"' Purchase of subsistence supplies: For issue, as rations, to troops, S“PP“°’· civil employees when entitled thereto hospital matrons and nurses, general prisoners of war (including Indians eld by the Army as prisoners, but for whose subsistence appropriation is not otherwise made), and to military prisoners at posts; for sales to officers and enlisted men of the Army; for authorized issues of candles; of toilet articles, barbers’, laundry, and tailors’ materials; for use of general prisoners confined at military posts without pay or allowances,. and recruits at
stations; of matches for ighting public fires and lights at
posts an stations and in the field; of flour used for paste in target practice; of salt and vinegar for public animals; of issues to Indians employed with the Army, withoutdpay, as guides and scouts, and for toilet paper for use by enliste men at posts, camps, rendezvous, and offices where water-closets are provided with sewer connections. For payments: For meals for recruiting parties and P~¤r¤w¤¤¤- recruits; for hot coffee, canned meats, and baked beans for troops traveling, when it is impracticahle to cook their rations; for scales, weights. measures, utensils, tools, stationery, blank books and forms, printing, advertising, commercial newspapers, use of telephones. office furniture; for temporary buildings. cellars, and other means of protecting subsistence supplies (when not provided by the Quartermastens Department); for coffee roasters; for commissary chests. complete, and for renewal of their outfits: for field desks _ of commissaries; for extra pay to enlisted men employed on Extra duty my- _ extra dutv in the Subsistence Department for periods of not less than ten days, at rates fixed by law; for compensation of civilians <`i~‘¤i··¤¤<·¤¤r>¤<>>··¤<¤ employed in the Subsistence Department, and for other necessary expenses incident to the purchase. care, preservation, issue, sale, and accounting for subsistence su plies for the Army; for the payment of €’*‘¤*¤¤*°'*°¤- commutation of rations to the cadets at the United States Military Academy in lieu of the regular established ration at the rate of thirty cents per ration; and for the payment of the regulation allowances of commutation in lieu of rations to enlisted men on furlough; to ordnance _ . sergeants on duty at ungarrisoned posts: to enlisted men and male and female nurses when stationed at places where rations in kind can not be economically issued. and when traveling on detached duty where it is impracticable to carry rations of any kind: to enlisted men selected to contest for places or prizes in department and army rifle competitions while traveling to and from places of contest: and to male and female nurses on leaves of absence: for subsistence of the masters, officers, s,.$,.{Q§§,C_ "`““”*’°“