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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/354

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266 FIETY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ch. 1485. 1904. ri-smiam, ew. For pa of translator and librarian of the. military information · division, General Staff Corps, one thousand eight hundred dollars. 1·¤=¤1>~·¤ ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤· For pay of expert accountant for the Inspector-General’s Depart- · ment, two thousand five hundred dollars. Hume w umm:. For mileage to officers and contract surgeons when authorized by °°°‘ law four hundred thousand dollars. comm sumens. Ilor two hundred and fifty contract surgeons, four hundred and fifty Bmw- thousand dollars: Ilrovided, That hereafter contract surgeons and con-

 33-iy’ i"` tract dental surgeons on duty in Alaska, Hawaii, the Philippine Islands,

and Porto Rico may transfer or assign their pay accounts, when due and payable, in the methods now provided by regulations for commismanu-ny. sioned officers of the Arm : Hwided, That when a contract surgeon _ is in cha of a hos ital he shall have the same authority as a commissione¥ii1edical officer. Tw¤¤¢`>m:d¤¤¤¢i¤- For additional twenty ggliglcentum increase on pay of enlisted men °'°°°°’° m"` sewing in the Philippine nds, the Island of Guam, Alaska, China, and Panama, Eve hundred and thirty-three thousand four hundred and twelve dollars and fifty-one cents. _ _ ' Tn Pm" °¤* l¤· Eur additional ten per centnm increase on Ipay of commissioned officers servin in the Philippine Islands, the sland of Guam, Alaska, China, and Panama, one undred and sixty-seven thousand four hundred and twenty-six dollars and thirty cents. Gmpm. For pay of one computer for artillery board, two thousand five hun- P<>¤<> RM Pwvi- or orto ico ovisionento n antry, com o two (ITP] di R Pr al Relgun f I f sed f °l°°°] R°gim°°°' battalions of four companies eac , to include the enlisteclxinen of the present regiment who mav be in the service June thirtieth, nineteen mm mem. undred and four, and officers as herein provided. The field officers shall be detailed from the officers of the Regular Army of the same r§s:l*:{*Pl°*¤*¤¢¤*°¥ grade and shall receive the pay and emoluments of their grade. The P present officers of the regiment below the grade of tield officers who are mentall , morally, and physically qualified and have proved eliicient in their res five positions may be reappointed by the President, by and with thzcadvice and consent of the Siiiiate (and such officers shall be entitled to preference in such appointments) for a provisional term of four years. Officers so reappointed shall be eligible for promotion in the regiment up to and inclu ing the rank of captain, rumeuuaau. upon examination as to their fitness for such promotion. Vacancies then existing or thereafter occurring in the grade of second lieutenant may be filled by the President, in his discretion, by and ‘with the advice and consent of the Senate, by the appointment of citizens of Porto Rico for the provisional term of four ears, whose qualifications for commissions shall be established by such, examination as the President may prescribe, who shall also be eligible for promotion in the regiment up to and including the rank of captain, u n an examination as to their fitness. Vacancies not iilled as hereinlhefore provided by the reappointment or promotion of the present officers or by the appointment or promotion of citizens of Porto Rico, shall be Hlled bv detail from the line of the infantry of the Army of the same grade E,m,,,,,,,,,,._ with the vacancy to be lilled. Men hereafter enlisted in the regiment shall be citizens of Porto Rico and shall be enlisted for a term of two years; and except in the case of noncommissioned officers shall not be `reenlisted in time of pleace. The names of all enlisted men who have served honorably in the regiment shall be kept at the headquarters of the regiment, and these men shall be regarded as a reserve, to be Pninew. special v considered in time of war. The pay and allowances of officers and enlisted men of the regiment shall be the same as authorized for like grades in the Regular Army. omcen-. Pay of officers of the line, forty five thousand eight hundred dollars. Enlisted mea. Pay of enlisted men. ninety-five thousand one hundred and fortveight dollars. ‘