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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/361

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FIFl`Y—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1-L85. 1904. 273 or the engagement of services not personal for the Medical Department of the Army may be made by the Medical De rtment in open market in the manner common among business men wliign the aggregate of the amount required does not exceed two hundred dollars, but every such purchase or employment shall be promptly reported to the Secretary of War: Provided further, That hereafter civilian employees ¤¤p¤}i¤¤ to ¤iv¤i¤¤ of the Army stationed at military posts may, under regulations to be mp °? °°°' made by the Secretary of War, purchase necessary medical supplies when prescribed b a medical officer of the Army. Amar MEDICAL llviusaim AND L1nnAnr: For Army Medical Museum, Mmmpreservation of specimens, and the preparation and purchase of new specimens, five thousand dollars. For the library of the Surgeon-General`s Office, including the pur- L“"“"Y· ghaple of necessary books of reference and periodicals, ten thousand ol rs. _ ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. mgiiimee Depart ENGINEER DEroTs: For incidental expenses of the depots, including T¤°id°¤°¤‘°¤P°¤*¤- _ fuel, lights, chemicals, stationery, hardware, machinery, pay of civilian clerks, mechanics, and laborers, extra-duty pay to soldiers necessarily emcployed for (periods not less than ten days as artiticers on work in ad ition to an not strictly in the line of their military duties, such as carpenters, blacksmiths, draftsmen, printers, lithographers, photograp ers, engine drivers, telegraph operators, teamsters, wheelwrights, masons, machinists, painters, overseers, laborers; repairs of, an for materials to repair, public buildings machinery, and unforeseen expenses, eleven thousand five hundred, dollars. _ or purchase and repair of instruments, to be issued to officers of ,,,*Q,‘§§'},*}_,€f’·°‘°··°"“‘ the Corps of Engineers and to officers detailed andon duty as actin Engineer ohicers for. use on public works and surveys, five thousand ollars. _ Engineer School, Washington, District of Columbia: Equipment W§S'},§g§§_'§°§°°'· and maintenance of the Engineer School of Application at \Vashing- Eq¤i1>¤i¤¤f¤- sw ton Barracks, District of Columbia, including purchase of instruments. machinery, implements, models, and materials, for the use of the school and for instruction of engineer troops in their special duties as sappers and miners; for land mining, pontoniering, and signaling: for purchase and binding of professional works of recent date treating of military and civil en ineerin and kindred scientific subjects, for the _ library of the United States Engineer School; for incidental ex ienses I“°"l°"'*‘l°‘*’°"°°"· of the school, including fuel, lights, chemicals, stationery, hardware. machinery, and boats: for pay of civilian clerks, draftsmen, electricians, mechanics, and laborers; for extra—duty pay to soldiers necessarily employed for periods not less than ten days as artificers on work in addition to and not strictly in the line of their military duties, such as carpenters, blacksmiths, draftsmen, printers, lithographers, photographers, engine drivers, telegraph operators, teamsters, wheelwrights, masons, machinists, painters, overseers, laborers: for repairs of, and materials to repair, public buildings, and machinery; for unforeseen expenses, for travel expenses of officers on journeys approved by T““‘°* °*P°"”*· the Chief of Engineers and made for the purpose of instruction: Pro- Qggfbfmilem fddead. That the traveling expenses herein provided for shall be in lieu ` of mileage and other allowances; and to provide means for the theoretical and plractical instruction at the Engineer School of Application. by the purc ase of text-books, books of reference, scientific and pro- 8******- °‘°· fessional papers, and for other absolutely necessary expenses, twenty- five thousand dollars. For the completion of the necessary buildings, including approaches. B““‘“”g=- °*°- heatingkgnd lighting plant, for the Army YVar College, at \Vashington Barrac , District of Columbia, in accordance with plans of the archivox. xxxm, Pr 1-—-18