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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/362

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274 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I1. Ch. 1485. 1904. . flrggrg, com tects, three hundred thousand dollars: Haddad, That no part of this ' appropriation shall be used until it shall have been determined, by the Secretary of YVar, that the entire cost of finishing the buildings, dproviding the approaches, heating and lighting plant, shall not excee the appropriation herein made. - P°¤'°°“ mm °“’· or ponton trains, intrenching tools, instruments, and drawing materials, and for purchase and printing of engineer manuals for use in the engineer equipment of troops, twenty·hve thousand dollars. B°"*°°'· For services of surveyors, draftsmen, photo ra hers, master laborers, and clerks to engineer officers on the stat? oi) division, corps, and department commanders, twenty-five thousand dollars. Total for Engineer Department, three hundred and ninety-one thousand five hundred dollars. mggiumce D¤1¤¤rt· ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT. . cmmuwu Oizmunom Smzvrcm: Current expenses of the Ordnance Service required to defray the current expenses at the arsenals; of receiving · stores and issuing aims and other ordnance supplies; of police au _ office duties; of rents, tolls, fuel, light, water, and advertising; of stationery and omce fumiture; of too s and instruments for service; incidental expenses of the Ordnance Service and those attending practical trials and tests of ordnance, small arms, and other ordnance supgies, including purchase of publications for libraries for the Ordnance ' epartment an payment for mechanical labor in the office of the Chief of Ordnance, three hundred thousand dollars. m’{,,'{'f,],“,;f***°“ *°’ Oninunon, om>1uNo1z sronns, Arm surrmns: Manufacture or pur- ` chase of metallic ammunition and the materials therefor for small arms for current needs and reserve supply, and ammunition for reloading cartridges, including the cost of targets and material for tar et practice, ammunition for burials at the National Home fO1' Disabled ’ olunteer Soldiers and its several Branches, including National Soldiers’ Home in Washington, District of Columbia, marksmen`s medals and insignia for all arms of the service, one million one hundred rmm. and fifty thousand two hundred and sixty-six dollars: Provided, That ,,,;§}_.‘,'f‘f,’,§_’ "‘°°“l‘* provision " for the purpose of furnishing a national trophy and medals, Jczkejz- P- °*r and so forth,” contained in the Act approved March second, nineteen ,r·»a,p.`ssc. hundred and three, being an Act mahin appropriation for the support of the Army for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen C,;‘j;‘gd,ggg M°’*¤° undred and four, is amended to read as follows: "That for the purpose of furnishing a national trophly and medals and other prizes to ie provided and contested for annual y, under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of \Var, said contest to be open to the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and the National Guard or organized militia of the several States, Territories, and of the District of Columbia. and for the cost of the trophy, prizes, and medals herein provided for, the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be expended for the pur oses herein before prescribed under the direction of the Secretary of &ar." §{§_<£¤;j,¤t(¥;;>¤,;>,:i,¤_ For three thousand medals of honor to be prepared, with suitable gusénee services. emblematic devices, upon the design of the medal of honor heretofore issued, or upon an improved design, together with appropriate rosettes or other insignia to be worn in lieu of the medal, and to be presented by direction of the President, and in the name of Congress, to such officers, noncomrnissioned officers, and privates as have most distin- _ guished. or may hereafter most distinguish, themselves by their ga]- ggggg Mme, lantry in action. twelve thousand dollars: Provided, That the Secretarv mans, em. of W ar be. and he is hereby, authorized and directed to use so many of the medals and rosettes or other insignia provided for by this Act