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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/363

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. 11. Ch. 1485. 1904. 275 as may be necessary to replace the medals that have been issued under the joint resolution of Congress approved July twelfth, eighteen hun- V°l·12·*’P·°““·"“· dred and sixty-two, and section six of the Act of Congress approved March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-three: Andprovédedfzorthw, ‘ That whenever it shall appear from official records in the War Depart- ,,,Pj,’§°,§§,,‘;§_ 1°““°’ ment that any officer or enlisted man of the Army so distinguished himself in action as to entitle him to the award of the Congressional medal of honor under the provisions of the sixth section of the Act of Congress approved March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, entitled "An Act making appropriations for the sundry civil expenses of the Government for the year ending June thir·tieth, eighteen hundred and sixtv-four, and for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and for other purposes," the fact that the person who so distinguished himself has since become separated from the military service, or that the award of the medal to him was not specifically recommended, or applied for while he was in the said service, shall not be held to prevent the award and presentation of the medal to such person under the provisions of the law hereinbefol? cithdi f ii ld ll l f th **1** mu ‘ or the ur ose o rocurin e —arti er materia or e or n- .°. °'Y °' ized militid) oi] the seliferal Stgtes, Territoriies, and the Districgaof lmuommm Columbia, without cost to the said States, Territories, or the District of Columbia, but to remain the property of the United States and to be accounted for in the manner now prescribed by law, the Secretary of War is hereby authorized, under such regulations as he may prescribe, on the requisitions or the governors of the several States and Territories or the comnrandin general of the militia of the District of Columbia, to issue said artillery material to the organized militia; and the sum of five hundred and eighty-five thousand dollars is hereby appropriated and made immediately available, for the procurement anF issue oiuthp articles constituting the saéne. d d Ord to · or over u in , cleaning, re airin an reservin or nance an ”““9°” ’°“· l_ ordnance stores ri the hands ofltroopg and ali the arseiials, posts, and chl»i:?·lediring' pu depots; for purchase and manufacture of ordnance stores to fill requi sitrons of troops; and for infantry, cavalry, and artillery equi ments, H~r¤iw¤¤¤¢¤- including horse equipments for cavalry and artillery, one miiiion six hundred and twenty-tive thousand dollars. F or· iirin the morning and evening gun at military posts rescribed ,,,;‘Q§Q,l_"*' "“" *"’°"‘ by GeneralgOrders, Numbered Seventy, Headquarters of the Army, dated July twenty-third, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and at National Home for Disahid Volunteer Soldiers and its several Branches, including National Soldiers’ Home in Washington, District of Columbia, and at Soldiers and Sailors’ State Homes, including material for cartridges, ba s, reworking obsolete powder, and so forth, thirteen thousand fivcdr undred dollars. For converting muzzle-loading field guns to breech-loading guns, for 10_¤3i¤;l*¤¤i¤g ¤¤·¤==¤¤- saluting purposes, and for necessary mounts for the same, forty thou- """" sand dollars. For targets for artillery practice and implements for mechanical Asmerr rmcricvmaneuvers, forty-one thousand five hundred dollars. Manufacture, repairing, procuririg, and issuing arms at the national ¤r§,*x*g¤'**¤°¤**i¤¤·¤¤=·· armories, one million seven hundre thousand dollars. " Hereafter purchases of ordnance and ordnance stores and supplies eh9g} '°°"*°‘ P‘"· and the procurement of services may be made by the Ordnance Depart- U ment in open market, in the manner common among business men, when the a gregate of the amount required does not exceed two hundred dollars, but every such purchase exceeding one hundred dollars shall be immediately reported to the Secretary of \Var. All funds received as the value of military stores transferred by the m*;;‘g;’fr€f,'*{g* ,,23;** several stat! departments of the Army to the lnsular Department of vmé. p`