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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/372

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284 F1r·rY.1:1c11rH c0NGaEss. sms. 11. cn. 1486. 1904. in the city of 'Washington and elsewhere; rent and repairs of a building not to exceed two thousand dollars per annum; to prepare drawings and illustrations for circulars, reports, and bulletins; and the agricultural experiment stations are hereby authorized and directed to cooperate with the Secretary of Agriculture in establishing and maintaining experimental grass stations, for determining the best methods of caring for and improving meadows and grazrng lands, the use of different grasses and forage plants, and their adaptability to various soils and climates, the best native and foreign species for reclaiming overstocked ranges and pastures, for renovating worn—out lands, for binding driftin sands and washed lands, and for turting lawns and pleasure grouncg, and for solving the various forage problems presented in the several sections of our country, forty-two thousand five hundred dollars. de*§_§g$1¤g¤¤¤5d_¤¤*· EXPERIMENTAL GARDENS Arm GROUNDS, Dmrantrrmutr or Acmcur.- gmruns: Cultivation and care of experimental gardens and grounds, including the keep of lawns, trees, roadways, and walks; management and maintenance of the eonservatories, greenhouses, and plant and fruit propagating houses; employment ofassistants, experts, foremen, gareners, laborers, carpenters, painters plumbers, and other mechanics, in the city of Washington or elsewhere; machinery, tools, wagons, carts, horses, harness,-lplows, lawn mowers_, sprinklers, hose, watering cans, tubs, pots, and o er implements reqluired in cultivation; lumber, hardware, glass, paints, tin, stones, grave , and other material required for repairs; fertilizers, insecticide apparatus, and chemicals; blacksmithin , horseshoeing, and repairs to implements and machinery; seeds, plants, and bulbs for propagating purposes; labels, potting and packing materials, feed for orses, fuel, reight and express charges, repairing roadways and walks, traveling and other necessary expenses, and for electric lighting, for telegraph and telephone services, and for all necessary office fixtures and supplies, twenty-tive thousand dollars. Fgeyggé ¢¤=-· <>f For the removal and reconstruction of the greenhouses on the ' Department grounds in order to accommodate the new buildings for the ;De§partment, twenty-tive thousand dollars, to be immediately avai ab e. mg,{{Q{§;*;g,_ °¤P°¤· ARLINGTON EXPERIMENTAL rum: To enablethe Secretarg of Agriculture tocontinue the necessary improvementsto establish an maintain a general experimental farm anda ricultural station on the Arlington estate, in the State of Virginia, inguding em loyment of labor in the city of Vlfashington or elsewhere. and for allmecessary fixtures, su - plies, material, apparatus, and other expenses, in accordance with thie "'*‘· ’“· ¥‘· *9**- provisions of the ct of Congress approved April eighteenth, nineteen L·¤¤<i~<=r¤r»¤rr· undred, entitled “‘An Act to set apart a portion of the Arlington estate for experimental a ricultural purposes. and to place said portion under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Agriculture and his successors in oiHce," which Act shall be construed to confer upon the Secretary of Agriculture and his successors jurisdiction over so much of the Government land in Alexandria County, Virginia, known as the Arlington estate, as lies east of the public road leading from the Aqueduct Bridge to Alexandria, Virginia, otherwise called the Georgetown and Alexandria road, and between said road and the Potomac River, containing about four hundred acres, with the exception, however, of a strip of land as follows: Commencing at the point where the Georgetown and Alexandria road enters the Arlin ton estate on the north side, thence along said road six hundred auch twenty-five vards, thence in a line perpendicular to said road to the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, thence gig? said canal to the north line of the reservation, twentv thousand o rs. rss cuimmrnvesu- Tux-ccrrrurm rxvrxsrrcrrrroxs: Forallex nses necessary in ' “""°"’* the employment of labor in the city of Wlsighington or elsewlidfgjlig