FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I1. Ch. 1486. 1904. 285 enable the Secretary of Agriculture to investigate and report on the cost of making tea and the best method of cultivating and preparing the salme for mszrket, so is tpodeilponstgate whether it IS practicable to intro uce its cu ture in theut ern tates as a roiitable industr . and for all necessary fixtures, supplies, apparatusymaterial, and other expenses, ten thousand dollars. F h Uucimsm AND DISTRIBUTION or VALUABLE snaps: or the ur- Seedschase, plroppsgation, testing, and distribution of valuable seeds, bnsbs, tam?' dbmbw trees, s ru , vines, cuttings, and plants; for repairs of present seed building, not to exceed seven thousand five hundred dollars; the employment of local and special agents, clerks, assistants, and other labor required, in the city of Washington and elsewhere; all necessary office fixtures and supplies, fuel, transportation, paper, twine, gum, printing, postal cards, gas, and electric current; traveling expenses, and all necessary material and repairs for putting u and istributing the same, and to be distributed in localities ada ted) to their culture, two hundred and ninety thousand dollars, of which amount not less 4u10mm. than two hpndrcid and two thousand dollars shall be allotted for Conressional istri ution. g And the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby directed to expend the adfftfd ,§‘f&af{’,y_b° said sum, as nearly as practicable, in the urchase, testing and distribution of such valuable seeds, bulbs, shrubs, vines, cuttings, and plants, the best he can obtain at public or private sale, and such as shall be suitable for the respective localities to which the same are to be ap rtioned and in which same are to be distributed as hereinafter stated:0 and such seedsso purchased shall include a variety of vegetable and Bower seeds suitable for planting and culture in the various sec- ‘ . tions of the United States. An equal proportion of two~thirds of all mf,’,j’}f"'°°"°““l ““°°’ seeds, bulbs, shrubs, vines, cuttings, and plants shall, upon their request, after due notification by the Secretary of Agricu ture that the allotment to their respect1ve distmcts is ready for distribution, be supplied to Senators, Representatives, and Delegates in Congress for distribution among their constituents, or maile by the Department upon the receipt of their addressed fianks; such franks to be furnished by the Public Printer as is now done for document slips with the names of Senators, Members, and Delegates printed thereon, and the words "United States Department of Agriculture, Congressional Seed Distribution," or such other phraseology as the Secretary may direct; and the person receiving such seeds shall be requested to inform the Department of the resu ts of the experiments therewith: _ Provided, That all seeds, bulbs, plants, and cuttings herein allotted to f,’§,Q{',}f,§’§,,,,_ 0, ,,,,_ Senators, Representatives, and Delegates in Congress for distribution celled f°*S<*<*<l5- ¢*<·· remaining uncalled for on the first offApril shall ple distributed byl the Secretax of A riculture, `vin re erence to t ose rsons w ose names add adclisses have Shen guiinished by Senators ddd Representatives in Coplgresa, and who have pot} before; ejuiéing Itlhe sam; season, been su lie byt eDe artment: w I wl: .a so, att ecretary shacll rerpbrlt, asdprovgdéd ilu thisfAct, t@ placée, quangity, andhprice of R¤1>¤¤¤fr¤r¢¤=¤s¤s sec s ure asc , an the ate o urc ase; ut not ing in is paragra hishall be construed to prevenlt the Secretary of Agriculture from sending seeds to those who apply for the same. And the amount herein appropriated shall not be iverted or used for any other pur- pr§grQ&{g$l°ll 0* *P· pose but for the purchase, testing, dpropagation, and distribution of valuable seeds, bulbs, mulherry an other rare and valuable trees, · shrubs, vines. cuttings, and plants: Provided, however, That upon each _ _ Y envelope or wrapper containing packages of seeds the contents thereof pgr‘;fl"‘”"°"‘*°"""”P· shall be plainly indicated, and the Secretary shall not distribute to any Senator, Representative, or Delegate seeds entirely untit for the cli- m§°0j_‘]j,{Q’*° °•·l*lP**<l mate and locality he represents, but shall distribute the same so that " each member may have seeds of equal value, as near as may be, and
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