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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/376

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288 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. C11. 1486. 1904. of the adulterated products; to determine the composition of lprocess renovated or adulterated and other treated butters, and other c emical ‘ studies relatin to dairy products, and to make all analyses of samples required for tge executiofi of the law regulating She manihfalcture of W¤¤•* •¤¤ ¤*h¤f ted or adu terate butters. o stu in co a oration process renova _ y _ wma with the Weather Bureau and agricultural experinient stations, the influence of environment upon the chemical composition of wheat and other cereals, with especial reference to the variation in the content of gluten, and the suita ility of barley for brewing and other purposes. pr§)g{1:{ug¤;]<;¤gs*¤h To investigate the chemical composition of sugar andlstarch producing ` plants in the United States an ll}S-POSSBSSIOIIS, an_ in collaboration with the Weather Bureau and agricultural experiment stations, to study the effects of environment upon the chemical composition of sugar and starch lproducing plants, especially with reference to their content of availab e sugar and starch, for the purpose of investigating, "¤l>l¤ SMP- determining, and reportingdthe proper tgeatmlznt and process in order to secure uniform grade an quality of rst·c ss ta e sirup. m—§d‘:_“({,P¤‘;*::l;’“ °* To investigate the adulteration, false (labeling, or tape bipndingi of .foods, drugs beverages condiments an ingre ients o suc artic es ggicen deemdd by the Secretary ofhAgriculture adigisable; land tblé retary of Agricu ture. whenever e as reason to e ieve t at suc articles larehheiug imphorted fromffoiieigp cougtiges which arte dlangleiii ous tot e ealt of e peopleo the lnite tates or w ic s a be falsely labeled or branded either as to their contents or as to the place of their manlpfacture or production, shall make a yequest upon the Secretary of the Treasury for samples from ori 'na packages of p0f,’g§°°p;_L°k’j1gg,f_ im such articles for inspection and analysis, and the Sbcretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to open such original packages and deliver specimens to the Secretary of Agriculture for the purpose _ mentione , giving notice to the owner or consignee of such articles m,l{’Q,§'{,‘§}f’§fg'$‘§,§,d°?°” 51110 Smay be prpselpt and have tilielright tra introduce testimony; and e cretary o the Treasury s a refuse elivery to the consignee of any such goods which the Secretary of Agriculture reports to him have been inspected and analyzed an found to be dangerous to health, or falsely labeled or branded, either as to their contents or as to the place p); thpgr manufacture pgdproduption or which are forbidden entry or to so , or are restric in sa e in the countries in which they are made or from which they are exported, employing such assistants, clerks, and other persons as the Secretary of Agriculture may consider _ _ necessary for the puiipose named, one hundred and thirty-five thousand Q’({;‘{’§{§‘,,,_ dollars: I’:·wwlw , hat it found necessary, one thousand five hundred dollars of the amount hereby appropriated may he used for the _ purchase and installment of a new boi er in the Bureau of Chemistry:

  • "‘"‘l "‘*“""'*‘l*‘· l’;·ava;({»»rl il/-5), That not to exceed Efteen thousand dollars of this sum

_ may re use to investigate the c emical and physical character of T“"‘"’“"‘*’· · road materials: r1nrl({n·0r£&»1?_f•//·Mw·, That fifteen thousand dollars thereof_ shall be use eicclusively for the purpose of investigating. determining, and reporting the proper treatment and process in order to secure umfornr grade and quality of iirst—class table sirup; and the \ I _ Secretarv of Agriculture shall report to Congress at its next session M;,l;}*};_;{;;h{;=m*dl· the result of said invesugationz And p2·0w'Jed _](ll7’l‘b€7‘, That fifteen thousanddollars of the amount hereby appropriated shall he immediatelly available. otal for Bureau of Chexnistry, one hundred and fortv—nine thousand eight hundred dollars.` Bureau o£S0i1s. s‘“"“°’· Bumgar or Sons SALARIIQSZ One soil physicist, who shall he chief of bureau: three thousand five hundred dollars; one scientist. two thousand five hundred dollars; one scientist. two thousand dollars: one