FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1486. 1904. 287 ing, and printing the results of such experiments and investigations; for the purchase of all necessary supplies, apparatus, and office fixtures, ¤¤1>1>1i¤¤. etcfor freight and express charges, and traveling and other necessary expenses, three hun red and eighty-eight thousand dollars, of which sum R°‘“· not to exceed fifteen thousand dve hundred dollars may be used for rent. ’·°'"°“ °* “"“°“°°· And the employees of the Bureau of Forestry outside of the city of Wasliington may, in the discretion of the Secretary of A riculture, without additional expense to the Government, be granted leaves of absence not to exceed fifteen days in any one year. Total for Bureau of Forestry, four hundred and twenty-five thousand one hundred and forty dollars. BUREAU OF CHEMISTRY. ,,?‘“°““ °’ °h°““" BUREAU or Cnnmsrnr, sanxnnzs: One Chemist, who shall be Chief S“‘““*’“· of Bureau, three thousand five hundred dollars; one assistant chemist, two thousand ive hundred dollars; one assistant chemist, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one assistant chemist, one thousand six hundred do lars; one chief clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; one clerk class two, one thousand four hundred dollars; two clerks class one, two thousand four hundred dollars; in all, fourteen thousand eight hundred dollars. - GENERAI» EXPENSES, BUREAU or CHEMISTRY: Chemical apparatus, §§,‘,§§§‘Q,§l§,‘§c”F°“· chemicals, laboratory fixtures, and supplies, r¢?>airs to engine and zpparatus; gas and electric current, purchase o all necessary office ures, supplies, and necessary expenses in conducting investigations in this Bureau, including necessar traveling and other expenses, telegraph and telephone services, for express and freight c arges, labor and expert workin such investigations, in the city of Washington and elsewhere, and in collating, digesting, reporting and illustrating the results of such experiments; t0_ continue the collaboration with other bureaus and divisions of the Department desiring chemical investigations and to collaborate with other departments of the Government whose heads request the Secretary of A riculture for such assistance, and for other miscellaneous work; for die employment of _ additional assistant chemists, when necessary, and for the rent of R°"‘· buildings occupied by the Bureau of Chemistry. To investigate the d$;“j,f’*"’°“ °‘ adulteration of foods, condiments, beverages, and drugs, when' deemed b the Secretary of Agriculture advisable, and to publish the results of such investigations when thought advisable, and also the md ““’"**“°‘ effect of cold storage upon the healthfulness of foods. To enable the Secretarv of Agriculture to investigge the character ,OIO¤d*‘¢¤£;;;;;g8*;* of food preservatives, coloring matters, and other su tances added to em. P ' foods, to determine their relation to di estion and to health, and to establish the principles which should uide their use; to enable the Sec- F°°°‘8" *°**¤~ retary of Agriculture to investigate flue character of the chemical and ` physical tests which are applied to American food products in foreign countries, and to inspect be ore shi ment, when desired by the ship rs h{¤¤ve¤fi¤¤ before or owners of these food products, Xmerican food products intendedlfor E Dumcountries where chemical and physical tests are required before said food products are allowed to be sold in the countries mentioned, and for all necessary expenses connected with such inspection and studies _ of methods of analysis in foreign countries; to enable the Secretary of S‘“""“’°"i l""""· Agriculture, in collaboration with the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, and such other experts as he may deem necessary, to establish standards of purity for food products and to determine what are regarded as adulterations therein, for the guidance of the officials of the various States and of the courts of justice. To investigate, in collaboration with the Bureau of Animal Industry, dg_1;' <> 1j)g§;¤i<;¤ cf the chemistry of dairy products and of adulterants used therein. andP '° °]`
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