FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sress. II. Ch. 1-186. 1904. 291 hundred dollars; three clerks class one (one of whom shall be a stenog— rapher and typewriter), three thousand six hundred dollars; one custo ran of records and files, one thousand dollars; total for Division of Accounts and Disbursements, twenty-four thousand three hundred and Hf2y dollars. _ _ _ rvrsron or PUBL1cA*r1oz<s, sALAn.1Es: One editor, who shall b - chief m;},X“‘°" °"“""°"" of division, three thousand dollars; one associate editor, two thousand S¤1¤¤¤¤- dollars; .one assistant editor, one thousand eight hundred dollars; two assistant editors, at one thousand six hundred dollars each, three thousand two hundred dollars; two editorial clerks, at one thousand four hundred dollars each, two thousand eight hundred dollars; one chief clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; four clerks class one, four thousand eight hundred dollars; live clerks, at one thousand dollars each, five thousand dollars; one assistant in charge of document section, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one second assistant in document section, one thousand two hundred dollars; one foreman document section, one thousand four hundred dollars; one chief folder, one thousand dollars; one folder, eight hundred and forty dollars; in all, thirty thousand six hundred am? forty dollars. GENERAL Exrmnsns, D1v1s1oN or PUBL1cA:rroNs: For the prepara- Qtéggqlexgggmof tion, printing, illustration, publication, indexing, and distribution of documeng. " documents, bulletins, and reports, two hundred and ten thousand dollars_, of which sum one hundred and five thousand dollars shall be available for the preparation, printing, and distribution of farmers’ F*"m°’¤` ‘*““°'*¤* bulletins, which shall be adapted to the interests of the people of the diherent sections of the country, an equal proportion of four-fifths of mQg{¤¤*¤*°¤¤* ¤“°*· which shall be delivered to or sent out under the addressed franks . ' furnished by Senators, Representatives, and Del tes in Con ress, as such Senators, Representatives, or Delegates in shall direct: Provided, That the Secretary of Agriculture shall notify Senators, Rep- §[,•,,,!’§·’,,'{,';,,,,, 0, com resentatives, and Delegates in Congress of the title and character of each ¢<·>¤¤¤· such bulletin, with the total number to which each Senator. Representative, and Delegate may be entitled for distribution; and on the face of the envelope inclosing said bulletins shall be printed the title of _ each bulletin contained therein: [roz·2'dedfurt/cer, That all such bulle- ,,,l°§{§‘{°,Q‘{§,§{:"""“ll°" tins included in the quotas of Senators, Representatives, or Delegates not called for on or before the thirty-first day of May in each fiscal year shall revert to the Secretary of Agriculture, and be available to him, either for miscellaneous distribution or in making up Congressional quotas for the next fiscal ·ear; fifteen thousand dollars for additional ,.€f2"`“"°""` """""°` assistants, editorial, proof reading, indexing, and other necessary help in the city of Washington or elsewhere; for the of artists, rafts- T B hm cn men, and engravers; the purchase of manuscript or publication; for eec.°°mm "' tools, instruments, and artists’ materials; for drawings, engravings, photographs, paintings, lithographs, and other illustration work; or electrot pes, and for traveling expenses when necessary; ninety thousand dollars for labor and materia required in the distribution of documents, including wagons, harness, and horses, and maintenance of same, and for re irs; for rent of buildings for the storage and distribu- Rf'"" tion of publications, for which urpose the sum of not to exceed one V thousand dollars is made immediately available, and the pay of watch- ““‘°“‘°“· °‘° men, charwomen, all necessary office fixtures and supplies; for iis and electric current, telegraph and telephone services, and for suc other cx uses as may be necessary; in a l, two hundred and ten thousand dollcars. Total for Division of Publications, two hundred and forty thousand six hundred and forty dollars. Bmnuof swim _ BUREAU or Surrsrres, sanmmsz One statistician, who shall be sums. °° Chief of Bureau, three thousand five hundred dollars; one assistant statistician, who shall be assistant chief of Bureau, two thousand two
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