292 rrrrrrreurrr oouennss. Sess. II. cu. 1486. 1904. hundred dollars; one Chief of Division of Foreign Markets, two thou- - sand five hrmdred dollars; one chief clerk, one thousand eight hundred gollari; fiourlclerkls class fpuuhseven shguaand two hunkred dollars; ve cer s cuss t ree cig t thousand dollars; six cler s class two eight thousand four hrindred dollars; nine clerks class one, ten thou: sand eight hundred dollars; ten clerks at one thousand dollars each, ten thousand dollars; four clerks at eight hundred and forty dollars each, thlree tnpusand lthrtzlealirmtlfed ang iifxty dollars; in all, fifty- · seven thousand seven nn r an sixty dollars. §§}}§c'§}¤;’${‘,8“$§é,_ Gmvnnsn nxrnxsns, BURr:A_u or S*rn*rrs*rres:_ Collecting domestic and foreign agrrcuptural statistics, compiling, wrrtrng, and rllustratrng statistica matter or mont ly, annua and specia reports· special investigations and compilations; subsciiption to, and purchase of, statistical and newslpaper publications containing data for permanent comparative recor s; map; and charts; stationery, office supplies, blanks, blank books, crrc rs, plaper, envelopes, postal cards, postage stamps, oglce lixturishtelegrapl and tielefplnotpfp serylices,tfrepgh§7 anld exprmsc r ,1ncu rngempoymen o a rin ecryo as — P•’°°‘•°· . ington and ggmhere and necessary travelin expenses: Provided Ion pom my mp W That the monthly crop reports issued on the third and tenth days of each month shall embrace statements of the conditions of the crops by Stptes, in the Unitedbitategu mich explanatipns, comparisons, and in ormation as may use “or i ustrating the above matter and that it shall be submitted to, and officially approved by the Secretary of Agrrculture before being rssued or published, one hundred and w§fl*'*°’*”w“°b*¤K· thirty-two thousand dollars, of which not more than_ fifty thousand dollars shall be expended for salaries in the city of Washington, District of Columbia. m£;*;>g¤i°¤°f*°*¤iK¤ Investigations concerning the feasibility of extending the demands ' _ of foreign markets for the agficultural products of the United States, pnldm azfpr as may os; a change in the metghpds of sgpplying a s orergn coun rres; employmen o oca an s ecra agents, clerks, assistants, and other labor required in making ingestigatrons rn the city of Washrngton and elsewhere, and in collating, rgestmg, reporting, and illustrating the results of such investigations; traveling! expenses, and freight and express charges; tele hone and Elegrapd Eervlrcesé aréddall necessary office fixtures and suppllies, seven ousan ve un re dollars. Tptéal fair Bpregu of Satissics, one hundred and ninety-seven thousan wo un re an six y dollars. ggyggigg Lrnrunr, SALARIES2 One librarian, two thousand dollars; one assistant librarian, one thousand four hundred dollars; one clerk (who shall be a izlranslagw), onle tlziorrslarédlpwo hundred dollars: one cataloguer. one thousand two un re dollars; two cataloguers. at one thousand dollars each two thousand dollars: two clerks, at eight hundred a l forty dollars each, one thousand six hundred and eighty dollars: ohh presgcmgetp, aeven hundred and twenty dollars: in all, ten thousand two un dollars.
- ’"<‘ml*‘¤P°¤¤¢¤- ·GENERAL nxrressms FOR DEPARTMENT LIBRARY: Purchase of techmeal books of reference, technical papers, and technical periodicals
necessary for the work of the De}partmen_t. and for expenses incurred psngpmplletrpgfrnéréeyfectlserie?. oubmldrng peprmdiclals, and for the oy en o a 1 1ona assis ancem ecr yo 'ai in l Is . where. when necessary: for traveling expenses. and fobr libgr;i·2lilxtrireE. PT __ shelving. library cards, and other material, ten thousand dollars: Su‘Q;";,p,,0m to [*1-m·zd4¤{Z, That section three thousand six hundred and fortv-eight of pulpliiaticgpg. 3m the Revised Statutes shall not apply to the subscriptions for publicamj ‘ · "· tions for the Department of Agriculture. and the Secretary- of Agrimmmex culture is authorized to pay rn advance for any publications for the Suse of this Department. And the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby