FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Cris. 1489, 1490. 1904. 297 _ CHAP. 1489.-An Act Amending the Act of Congress approved January twenty- AP1‘i1¤.1904- srxth, eighteen hundred and ninetv-tive, entitled "An Act authorizing the Secretary [s·1°7*·] of the Interior to correct errors where double allotments of land have erroneously [Public, Nc. 15:1.] been made to an Indian, to correct errors in patents, and for other purposes." Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Resentatlves of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 'lzliat the Act of Congress Publiclunds. approved January twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and ninety-five anliirlliillilxilulriiigliiiluti ( wenty-eighth Statutes, six hundred and forty-one), entitled "An “’,}’g{’°";g°*°d— 6,, Act authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to correct errors where amended. ’ p` ’ double allotments of land have erroneously been made to an Indian, to correct errors in patents, and for other purposes," be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to read as follows: ‘ " That in all cases where it shall appear that a double allotment of P'°°°°‘“"¥”· land has heretofore been, or shall hereafter be, wrongfully or erroneously made by the Secretary of the Interior to any Indian b an assumed name or otherwise, or where a mistake has been or shall be made in the description of the land inserted in any patent, said Secretary is hereby authorized and directed, during the time that the United States may hold the title to the land in trust for any such Indian, and for which a conditional patent may have been issued, to rectify and correct such mistakes and cancel any tent which may have been thus erroneously and wrongfully issued whtnever in his o inion the same , ought to be canceled for error in the issue thereof, andp if possession of the original patent can not be obtained, such cancellation shall be effective if made ulpon the records of the General Land Office; and no I;.?:?;, grggécgmlg proclamation shal be necessary to open to settlement the lands to pstsilrbeunwhich such an erroneous allotment patent has been canceled, rovided °°l ‘ such lands would otherwise be subject to entry: Aand , That such lands shall not be open to settlement for sixty ye after such ` cancellation: Andfurther That no mnditional patent that Conditional wom ` shall have heretofore or t at may ereafter be executed in favor of K{l,T°°°°°° °'"'°°" any Indian allottee, excepting in cases hereinbefore authorized, and E"°°P'*°“°· excepting in cases where the conditional patent is relinquished by the patentee or his heirs to take another a lotment, shall be subject to cancellation without authority of Congress. Approved, April 23, 1904. CHAP. 1490.-An Act To amend sections twelve hundred andeighty-eight, twelve APH! 2* IW- hundred and ninety-three, and twelve hundred and ninety-four ol the Code of the __ §·jl3°‘l ,_ District of Columbia, relating to marriage, so as to authorize marriages according to [Public, No. im.] the custom of the Society of Friends or Quakers. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives af the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section twelve hundred g_$,¤;i:;;>égg};;g;]gj¤¤- and eighty-eight of an Act entitled "An Act to establish a code of law ' for the District of Colun1bia.” approved March third, nineteen hundred and one, be amended by adding thereto the following: "I"rm·¢`¢led, }zmez·e2·, That marriages of members of any church or mgQ,'§,q§,;’;u,*:*;_;*;j religious society which does not by its custom require the intervention nm. of a minister for the celebration of marriages may be solemnized in ,,,,Y,,‘f,{jj_1‘ “‘ 139* the manner prescribed and practiced in any such society, the license in such case to be issued to, and returns to be made by, a person appointed b * such church or religious society for that purp0sc.” Sho. 2. That section twelve hundred and ninety-three of said Act as amended by an Act of June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and two, be amended to read as follows: "Sec. 1293. Form or LICENSE.~·LlCGDS€S to perform the marriage drggjcpfj cfg1g, gg; ceremony shall be addressed to some particular minister, magistrate. or thorized persons. _` other person authorized by section twelve hundred and eighty-eight ,,,,l§,Q‘e,€" p‘ °‘*3*
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