298 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 1490,1491. 1904. hereof to perform or witness the marriage ceremony and shall be in the following form: " Number ————. "To ——— —————, authorized to celebrate (or witness) marriages in the District of Columbia, greeting: “You are hereby authorized to celebrate (or witness) the rites of marriage between —¢——— -·————, of —, and ———— ——;, of ——-, and having done so, you are commanded to make return of the same to the clerk’s office of the supreme court of said District within ten days under a (penalty of fifty ollars for default therein. "Witness my hand an seal of said court this ———— day of ————;, anno Domini ————-. " ———- ————————-, Clerk. "‘By ————-—— ————, Assistant Clerk." c1§§",@§‘j,§f,§,‘f“’°“°° Said return shall be made in person or by mail on a coupon issued with said license and bearing a correspondinginumber therewith within ten days from the time of said marriage, an shall be in the following fomiz “Number ——. "I, — ———, who have been duly authorized to celebrate (or witness) the rites of marriage in the District of Columbia, do hereby certify that, by authority o a license of corresponding number herewith, I solemnized (or witnessed) the marriage of ——— —;— and -1 —, named therein, on the —; day of ;—, at ——, in said District." S¢¢<>¤d ¤<>¤P+>¤ *0 A second coupon of corresponding number with the license shall °°mm°m1gpmm` be attached to and issued with said license, to be given to the con- ` tracting parties by the minister or other person to whom such license was ad ressed, and shall be in the following form: " Number ——;. "I hereby certify that on this —;- day of -—;, at —;, ——— —————— and ———— —·—— were by (or before) me united in marriage in accordance with the license issued by the clerk of the supreme court of the District of Columbia. " Name ——·—-—— ————. e “Residence -—-——·." §?`f}{{°§',_ p_ ,3,,, Sec. 3. That section twelve hundred and ninety-four of said Act be ¤¤w¤¤·k·d- amended by mserting after the word ‘“s0len1n1zed," in the second line. the words "or witnessed." Approved. April 23. 190-L 0 th ,01;glg.éEé—;n ércgoécityzhégilte certain original homestead entries and extend [P bliv. X0. 5.} _ _ PULP lulllis l Be at enacted by the oemzte and House ofReq2z·esentut2}ves of the Linited aime extended rm States of America in Congress assembled, That in all cases where aliens gggjegtggg Ljggggngj have heretofore made original homestead entries, based upon void aunts. ‘ declarations of intention to become citizens of the United States made before L mted States commissioners, such original entries are herebv validated, and the time of such entrymen in which to make final prodf on their entries is liereby extended for a period of two years, to enable Pr7{¢§<·» suc entrymen to egally secure final naturalization ia` sz Pr -21 { d£§§§‘,Q‘}§ ,,§§_,§_§c{” That nothing in this Act shall_be held to affect existingl)(aIdw‘erse(I<ili1icii1s to land embraced in such entries.
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