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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/388

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300 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1193. 1904. 9**** Sec. 5. That the members of said board shall, before entering upon the discharge of their duties, take the official oath required to be ta en by officers of the Indian Territory. b0;_g¤¤i¤¤¤*¤¤ 0* Sec. 6. That at the iirst meeting of the members of such boards, 02after they shall have been appointed, preparatory to the_transaction · of business assigned them un er this Act, they shall organize by electing one of their members as president and another as secretary, and ado t a sea . ,i?ir>1<>¤¤=¤, of v¤¤¤- Sho. 7. That physicians and surgeons who shall be engaged in pracme °hi"°m°S‘ tice at the time of the passage of tlhis Act phall each, wlithin six iplopths thereafter resentto said board their dip omas, toget er wit aavit . in each casepthat the ailiant is the lawful possessor of the same and he E¤·¤¤¤¤¤i¤¤i¤¢¤¤ is the person named therein. Such as have no diplomas shall within °bs°°m °m“°l°m*°` the same time submit sworn applications, setting forth the extent of their medical education and their expeaienple as prgctitioners, and shall be sub'ectcd to a careful examination the boar . _ Q¤¤¤*>¤F¤*=€¤¤¤¤· 81:0.18. That the regular meetings ofyeach board shall be held quarterly at the court-house of that district on the first Monday in January E¤““*“”“°”’- April, Jul , and October in eacqlyear, and when so assembled said , board shalivfaithfully and imparti y examine all such persons as shall appear before them for that purpose touching their qualifications to practice medicine and surgery, or either, and all such persons as shall satisfy such board of examiners, or a majority of them, that he or she is of good moral character and duly qualihed in knowledge and capacity to practice medicine and surgery, or either, shall receive from such board a certificate of qualification as physician and surgeon, or either, as the case may be, which certificate shall entitle such person to re is-

mmm. ;;'lé;l0 d8l‘ the provgions of iectionsttwo audi three: };r02·z'g;arZ  

, no person es1r1n o rac ice me 1c1ne unc er is c shall be excluded therefrom gn acdbunt of any particular system or school of medicine that he or she may desire to practice. mgjS¤g*g***j;*$;vg¤,§,“ Sec. 9. That the board may refuse certificates to persons guilty of `unprofessional or dishonorable conduct, and it may revoke certificates P*°*"f°- . for like causes: Provided abways, That they have given the person an Hearmgm defense. , . . · ~ _ opportumty to be heard in his or_her defense. _ _ u§u¥;f*°*“l °”““““‘ bac. 10. That any person desiring to be examined at any other time than the regular quarterly meeting shall notify the resident of the board of such desire, whose duty it shall be to assemble the board as soon as practicable and examine such applicant. "$§f,‘gf‘°•‘° °* '°¥** Sec. 11. That the district clerk shall give to every person registered under this Act a certificate of registration over his signature and ofiicial seal, and such certificate shall authorize any such person to prac- ‘tice as physician or surgeon, or both, as the case may be, in any district in the Indian Territorv. provided he or she registers said certificate with the clerk of the l'nited States court for each district in which he or she desires to practice. F=¤··- Sec. 12. That the clerk shall receive as his fee for all services . gequired of him under this Act in each case the sum of one dollar and `fty cents. ¤*=··"*·¤ ··l ***¤"‘· Sec. 13. That any two members of said board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all such business as shall come before '¢··*·¤r~¤·*·¤··¤·- it, and each applicant for examination shall pay in advance to the sccretary, to be divided equally among the members of such board. the _ sum of ten dollars. which shall be their only compensation. mQ_§*{[;‘{§,*§,_j;f_,§,*}P"* Sec. That all physicians and surgeons holding diplomas desiring to practice the mience of medicine and surgery in the Indian Territorv shall submit the same to the board of examiners for the district ih 1***- which they desire to practice for examination and approval for which said applicant shall pay a fee of one dollar to said board: and upon approval by said boarc of said diploma shall not be required to undergo