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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/387

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 1491-1493. 1904. 299 Sm. 2. That this Act shall take effect and be in force from and after Effect. its passage. ` Approved, April 23, 1904. CHAP. 1492.-An Act To extend the provisions of the Act of J anuarytwenty-mst, Agril Z3. 1904. nineteen hundred and three, to the Osage Reservation, in Oklahoma Territory, and [ · K 8878-] ici- other purposes. [Public, N0. iss.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repv·esentatlves of the United States of America in Oongrees assembled, That the provisions of the 0,3*86 R¢=¤z¤‘¤¤<>¤. Act of Con ess approved January twenty-first, nineteen hundred and nilé or timber and three, entitlerd "Ar1 Act to amend an Act entitled ‘ An Act to provide §*§Qf°,,,f,€’,{,,,§Y},‘l,‘§{Q'i{*,}; for the use of timber and' stone for domestic and industrial purposes Gdyoi 32 7,4 in the Indian Territory} approved June sixth, nineteen hundred, are, °` ’p' I ` including gravel, hereby extended to and shall include the Osage °¤'°l ****1****- Reservation in the Territor of Oklahoma: Provided, That the pro- ceeds from the lands in said (lrsage Reservation, in Oklahoma Territory, P'°°°°ds‘ _ shall go to the Osage Nation or allottees therein. Approved, April 23, 1904. . 98.-—-An A tin theof medicin and in the A ¤'il?3.190¢· In cr11i·:.0ry. ct Regula g practice e surgery [E. R. 11963.] Public, No. 157i Bait enacted by the »S'enateand.H0uaeqfR¥reoentativee of the United [ 1 States of America in Coryreaa assembled, bat hereafter no person Temppkl shall practice medicine an surgery,_ or either, as a rofession in the me `° ° Indian Territory without first being re istered as a physician and sureon, or either, in the office of the cleri of the United States court in Une district in which he Ol' she offers to practice. Sec. 2. That each district clerk in the Indian Territory shall keep *‘°€“°'°‘*°“- in his office a well-bound book, in which he shall register the names of all such persons as shall be lawfully qualified, as hereinafter provided, and who shall apply for registration as physician and surgeon, or either, with the date of such registration. Sec. 3. That hereafter any person who may wish to practice the mg§{‘,f{’fQ‘§,‘§,§g{“i‘ science of medicine or surgery, or both, in the Indian Territory shall be allowed to register as suc who shall nle with the clerk of the United States court of any district in the Indian Territory a certificate of ualification signed by a ma`ority of the board of medical examiners of the district in the Indian Territory in which he or she offers to _ register: Pro·mIded, That any person livin in a district in which no f,’;,‘;,‘§§“g’,,,,0,,_ board is or anized may apply to the board of some other district in the Indian {Territory. _ _ Sec. 4. That immediately after the passage of this Act the United mf,’({§,},{},$,},,§,’{’,'},§;‘,_°‘ States judge of each district in the Indian Territory shall appoint for his district a board of medical examiners, consistin of three persons, <?<>¤¤r><>¤i¤¤¤ ofwho shall be citizens of the district and learned in the science of medicine and sur ery, of good moral character, graduates of some reputable medical college recognized by either of the American medical college associations, and who shall thereafter be duly registered under this Act, who shall hold their office for a period of four years, or until their successors are duly appointed and qualified; and should a vacancy vacanms. occur in any of said boar s at an i time, the same shall beiilled bv appointment made by the United States judge of the district in which e vacancy occurs. ,