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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/399

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FIFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 1605, 1606. 1904. 31 I Sec. 7. That the right is ex ressly reserved in the United States to m§,*$'j,°* ’"°°““°“ revoke by Act of Congress tli)e rights, privileges, and benefits con- ` ferred by this Act; but in the event of such revocation the United States shall pay to the municipalit , corporation, company, firm, or persons who may erect said lock andy dam under the provisions of this Act, as full compensation, the reasonable value, exclusive of the fran- I¤¤¤¤¤i¤¤¤¤<>¤· chise hereby conferred, of all properties erected and lands purchased bly them necessary for the enjoyment of the benefits conferred upon t em by the provisions of this Act, such value to be determined by mutual agreement between the Secretary of War and the owners of said properties, and in case they can not agree, then by proceedings instituted in the United States circuit court for the condemnation of said propert , such proceedings to conform as nearly as may be to the lawls of Eshe gate of lgppdessee in respepppfucéppdamlning land for the wm ri t o way or rai purposes:, at to insure com- P' · _ plgance with the terms of the contract or of this Act, or to protect the ieggiemmm of NM mterests of navigation, the Secretary of War shall have power at any time, before or after the completion of the work, to ordera suspension _ of all privileges granted by this Act: And provided further, That j,,§"c§f,’§f’“‘°“‘ "’“" compliance with such order of suspension may be enforced by the injunction of the circuit court of the United States exercising jurisdiction in the district in which the work is situated, and proper proceedings to this end shall be instituted by the Att0rney—General upon reguest of the Secretary of War. 1:0. 8. That nothing in this Act shall be construed as in any way a,,§"'{,,f‘ ”“'“ “°‘ interfering with the exclusive glrisdiction over and control by the fignited Stages cg the Tenneszee 'yer and the lock and theneggifto e or e purpose o navigatio nor as repeahn or m y- ing any of the provisions of law new in re ereucg to the protection of navigation. Approved, April 26, 1904. 01-IAP. 1606.-An To amend an Act entitled "An Act to amend an Act entitled APE gsi11g04- ‘An Act granting the right to the Omaha Northern Railway Companyéo construct a ._.%1;...,.. railway across and establish stations on the Omaha and \\ innebago scrvation, in [Public. M- 166-] the State of Nebraska, and for other purposes} by extending the time for the construction of said railway/’ by a further extension of time for the construction of said railway. ' Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Cbngress assembled, That the time prescribed by bQ*g°‘}Qegg§v‘:ff§: an Act of Congress approved the twenty-sixth day of March, eighteen mir. ' hundred and ninety-eight, entitled "An Act granting the iight to the ,,,,'{,if'},‘E,,§,{,,§{',’,°§{;'Q€i Omaha Northern Railway Companyto construct a railway across and °,ga,g_,¤;;hg01§;•_*;*;°’¤ establish stations on the Omaha and innebago Reservation, in the State ` of Nebraska, and for other purposes," as amended by an Act of Con- u'f€g},éd§2· P· 18**- gress approved on the thirtiet day of April, nineteen hundred and two, entitled "An Act to amend an Act entitled ‘An Act granting the right to the Omaha Northern Railway Company to construct a rai way across, and establish stations on, the Omaha and Winnebago Reserva- ` tion, in the State of Nebraska, and for other purposes} by extending the time for the construction of said railway,” be, and the same is hereby, extended for a period of time, to wit, three years from the twenty-sixth day of March, nineteen hundred and four. Sec. 2. That all other provisions of said_Act are hereby continued in full force and effect. Approved, April 26, 1904.