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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/400

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312 FIPTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ons. 1607, 1609. 1904. Ag!] 26v 190*- CHAP. 1607.-An Act Granting to the State_of North Dakota six hundred and [ *1*10018*] fopfly acrlgslpillandhgrgrbmcing the White Stone Hills battlefield and burral ground of [r>¤u1r¤,x¤.1cv.] so rem 1 in engagemen . . Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRq2resentat2}ves 0 f the United 1ff,’{,'{,‘,°‘,l‘§'°“5,h,,€ States of rimerrba in Congress assembled, That the following—described storm Hi¤¤d8{¤¤¤;g land is hereby granted, subject to any prior adverse claims, to the sgi 3 m°m° ° pa State of North akota, to wrt: The southeast quarter of section seven and the southwest quarter of section eight and the northeast quarter of section eighteen and the northwest quarter of section seventeen, all in township one hundred and thirty-one_north, of range sixty-five west, to be used for the puaiose of a memorial park and burial ground of the soldiers killed at e battle of Wh1te Stone H11ls, to be rnalrenable by the State. . Approved, April 26, 1904. Apr-n 2f 1¤0L GHAP. 1609.-An Act To amend an Act approved March third, eighteen hundred . [B· uh} and ninety-nine, entitled "An Act to amend an Act entitled ‘ An Act to reimburse

 the governors of States and Territories for expenses incurred by them in aiding the

United States to rarse organize and supply and equip the Volunteer Army of the United States rn the existing war with Spam, rzpproved July eighth, eighteen hundred and mnety-eight," an so forth, and for o er purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRe_p7·esentatr}ves of the United $h°;°·,m”mm fm, States of rlmeriea in Congress assembled, That section six of the Act expenses equipping of Congress appr·oved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, §,`§‘,f€°”’°t°" p°°` entitle “An act to amend an Act entitled ‘An Act to reimburse the auYc*;},é({’_°· P- 1"·“· governors of States and Territories for expenses incurred by them in plidirqg fhetllnixd Stat? tp] rarme arédsorganize apd supply and equip e o un eer rm o the United States in the existin war wit — Spain,’ approved J thy eighth, eighteen hundred and ninetygeight, and for other purposes," be, and the same is hereby, amended by striking therefrom the words “niueteen hundred and two " and inserting in lipnhthergof the words "nineteen hundred and six," so that the same s a rea : c,T·*,;*S°(_f;{€g’gFeg§**”¤ "Sec. 6. That all claims for reimbursement under this Act or the Act approved July eighth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, shall be presented in itemized form to the Treasury Department on or before January first, nineteen hundred and six, or be forever barred.” pg¤;•;ly*¢g,¢5:;gg;e·¤g Sec. 2. That where the governor of any State or Territory has furenum;. nishsal milétary transportation, (pr has purphased or autherizeid the urc asc o sup res, or rncurre expenses or services ren ere and llvhich purchasespof supplies and expenses for military transportirtion and services rendered have been certified by the governor of such State or Territory as necessary, just, and reasonable for the organization, maintenance, transportation, and comfort of troops raised by him and accepted into the service of the United States Army in the said war with Spain, the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to allow in the settlement of claims for reimbursement now on file in the office of the Auditor for the War Department, such items or parts thereof as have been disallowed in the consideration of said claims, or the reason that they appear to have been for stores furnished or expenses incurred or transportation furnished after the troops raised m§g':u*g.ggut¤;*r¤ggE been mustered into the service of the United States; and the ceror expenses summed. tificate of the governor of aniy such State or Territory that such expenses were incurred in goo faith, for the sole purpose of aiding the United States in the raisin , organization, trans rtation and equipment of troops, shall be held to be sufficient to autherize the; final settlement and payment in full of such claims for reimbursement. Approved. April 27, 1904.